Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Zephyr Misbehaving

First - in the western Christian traditions this coming weekend is Easter. We wish our readers of those sects a very Happy Easter.

Bit late tonight - got held up at work. These bloody severe gales we've been having since the weekend have delayed us, the wind eased a bit today so we were rushing around, trying to catch up before it started again. It is very windy again now, but nothing like the 60 to 80mph we were having. Can't be more than 25mph or thereabouts.Zephyr, god of the west wind is supposed to be the gentlest of the winds - well he's not behaving the way he should!!

I was glad I'd bought a new hutch for the ferrets, and fixed it to the wall as well. Because the old one (which I haven't broken up yet) blew over and right down the garden!! And at one point I was a bit worried the shed might do the same. Not fun.

It's a bloody cold wind too, which is unusual because it's (mostly) been a west wind, not a north wind. And the poem says that It's a warm wind, the west wind.

Ah well. Easter weekend is supposed to be nice. And there will be hot cross buns...


1 comment:

zero2aries said...

E & T - do me a favour guys - I forgot to wish our Jewish readers a happy Passover - could you drop a line into tonight's update to do that for me.

Many thanks