Thursday, April 16, 2015

Winding Down

We're nearing the end of a Spring break that's been unseasonably cool and rainy. Today was the first day this week with warm enough weather to clean the living room carpet.

Still on my to-do list is wash both cars. Oh, and I haven't finished putting comics into my database. That's best done while binge-watching tv shows.

Sadly I haven't been able to do much sleeping in. Cal's at his dad's this week but he still spends the night at our house so he can ride the bus to school the next day. At least I've been able to sleep until 7. That's better than my usual 6 am.

Tomorrow we're going to Superfluity 2015. Little e has been cooking things for their bake sale. She'll help sell baked goods on Thursday evening and Friday. We'll have fun looking at the huge amounts of donated stuff. We might even find something we can't live without.


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