Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Waiting To Boldly Go

A big thank you to Angharad Governal for the link to a new festivals calendar.

So now I can say that Ascension Day is coming up in the Western Christian traditions - a good day to those of our readers who mark this feast.

Went to see Iron Man 3. It's ok. Lots of explosions, noise, humour. A little too much humour actually. Too much Robert not enough Tony. I seem to remember the first one being slightly less noisy and having slightly more plot. Or slightly more believable plot anyway. Entertaining enough way to waste a couple of hours. And a lot better than number 2 was.

The film we're really waiting for opens tomorrow. The trailers look brilliant. Although I still object to the alternate timeline. And what seems to be the slow erosion of the creator's vision of a classless, unified, society where money doesn't exist. And greed/lust for power is seen as an aberration, a failing, and not an admirable quality.

I'm talking about Star Trek of course. The new movie Into Darkness has a special preview at five past midnight, and then opens nationwide tomorrow, here in the UK.

If we're really lucky we might get to see it next week.

Enjoy your updates, Goodnight and may your God/s go with you/



Anonymous said...

The link to Part 3 of Hoosier Daddy is not working.

zero2aries said...

Thanks for letting us know - it's a problem with the Royal Academy rather than us. There isn't a lot we can do about it until they get it sorted. They're working on it. We'll let you know as soon as they fix it.