Sunday, May 19, 2013

End of Weekend

Tonight we gave fondue a try again at our house. I forgot how much work putting it all together is, plus the kids learned little strips of steak and chicken take far too long to cook in between pieces. The cheese sauce was lumpy...I obviously suck at this. I even followed the recipe. The oil was a bigger hit as potatoes and meat cooked a bit easier. However, I think Tamara and the boys liked the chocolate one best. As chocolate is not something I should be eating or something my daughter even enjoys we ate more potatoes. Over all a bust for us. Even the clean up sucked. We have officially done that and won't be repeating it anytime soon.

Well time for me to go piss off my kitty and stuff a lot of drugs down her in hopes she can come back from wherever she is.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


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