Wednesday, May 22, 2013

OK in OK

I've been watching the news reports from Oklahoma.

A tragedy about those kids. What a bloody awful thing to happen. Life gone almost before it's begun. My heart goes out to the parents.

And all those people who've lost everything. House, possessions, car, everything. I'm amazed that they seem so calm, so accepting. Everything's gone but oh well - we'll rebuild. Talk about resilient. I can't begin to imagine how I'd feel in that situation.

I've never been so glad to live in England. The chances of us being hit by a tornado like that - or a massive hurricane - or a California-style earthquake - are slim-to-none. I've got more chance of winning the lottery (14 million to 1).

Hug your loved ones folks. You never know whether you'll get the chance again.

See you next week. Stay safe. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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