Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Myself Was Formed - a Carpenter

It's Corpus Christi tomorrow. Wishing you a good day.

It's half-term this week. So naturally I popped over to see little Barbara this evening. I wanted to let her know that although she can't come to work this week (the site isn't safe enough and there's nothing she would be able to do), I've got all the permissions sorted out so that she can come out to play in the summer break.

One of the carpenters (a woman) has agreed to let Barbara work with her as long as I'm there too. She reckons that by then she should be ready to fit the skirting boards in several of the houses. Barbara will be able to learn how to use a mitre gauge, and (if her mother says it's ok) a mitre block and tenon saw. She'll help cut the corners for the skirting and learn how to fix it.

Barbara can't wait. *g* She was chattering nineteen-to-the-dozen about it for the whole time I was there.

I'm designing the certificate for her trainee carpenter's mate award already.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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