Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I got hailstoned this morning. There I was, freezing, standing in a bitterly cold wind, when pow - hailstones. I was not amused. Yesterday snow, today hailstones.

It is March. This is South-west England. There should not be snow, hail, or below zero temperatures. There should be sunshine, and daffodils. and the feeling of imminent spring. Definitely not amused.

We have a new pope. Good choice of name. Not the one I was hoping for but it could have been worse. At least this one might actually remember that the church is supposed to be about caring for the poor, the sick, the weak, and not about covering up your scandals and trying to consolidate political power.

Not a choice that fills me with any hope that the church might be even a smidgen less misogynist and homophobic. But you can't expect miracles.

Have a good rest of the week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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