Sunday, March 31, 2013

Vacation Time

E and little e are ready to head to the ocean for four days starting tomorrow. I'm ready for a week of work. The boys will have school since our spring break isn't for a few more weeks.

With E and little e gone I'll be able to cook salmon patties for dinner tomorrow. Duncan loves them and they stink up the house too much to cook them while E is here (she hates fish). I'll eat two, Cal will have none and Duncan will end up eating the rest of them over the course of the week.

Whatever you're doing this week, be safe and have fun.


Saturday, March 30, 2013

A Calm Day

Today was a chore day for Tamara and I. Over all some were finished even with our procrastination techniques. I hope you all are having a great weekend. Tomorrow I pack for a few days at the ocean with my daughter and a couple of her friends. Until then have a great evening.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, March 29, 2013


We're ready for a quiet weekend. Enjoy those updates.


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Vacation is so close...

...and this makes me very happy. Even though I am taking three 12 year old's to the beach, I shall not be at work and that is truly a good thing.

I only need to skate through tomorrow and then a full week off lays ahead. I hope you all have a great Friday and I will ramble at you on Saturday.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

One a Penny, Two a Penny...

European readers - clocks go forward this weekend.

Also this weekend - for the western Christian traditions - Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday - for those of our readers who celebrate now, Happy Easter.

And it's Hot Cross Bun time!! Lightly toasted, nothing on them, yum!! Hot Cross Buns, Hot Cross Buns, One a Penny, Two a Penny, Hot Cross Buns

Now if the weather would just improve a bit... (that wind is bitter!!).

Have a good Easter/weekend. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013


First - for our Jewish readers - Good Passover to you. For our Hindu readers a joyous Holi to you. For our Zoroastrian readers (of the Fasli tradition) a blessed Khordad Sal.


And now - the post title - why?? Why do people plagiarise?? Why steal somebody else's writing and pretend it's yours?? What possible satisfaction can you get from it?? If you get dozens of compliments telling you it's a great story, and you're a great writer, how can it possibly make you happy?? Or make you feel proud?? Or give you any feelings of satisfaction??

Because it isn't you they're praising. Those are not your compliments. They're praising the real writer of the story.

So why do it??

More puzzling - why do it twice?? With the same story. After you've already been caught once. It isn't just cheating - it's stealing. You're not a writer. You're a thief. A dirty little, low-down, cowardly thief. And you know who you are.

And you're an idiot. You steal a story. One written by a BNF - one of the biggest BNFs in that fandom. An original story. A really recognisable story. And you didn't change a word of it. Just the names. Did you think you wouldn't get caught?? And then when you got caught and the story (and account) were deleted, you're doubly stupid enough to post it again under a different name!!

And just to prove you're triply stupid you've used a story that has been published as a book. And which has sold a great many copies. Did you want to destroy the site you posted your story on?? Do you have any idea what a publishing company can do to a website that plagiarises a published book?? might host millions of stories but a determined lawyer can still pull the plug on it overnight for things like that. And tens of thousands of people who post there will lose everything.

You've proved yourself to be monumentally stupid - don't demonstrate that you're a selfish and self-centred little prat as well. Don't steal. Write your own story.

I really don't get it. How can anybody feel pleasure when they know they've stolen another's work, how can they enjoy the praise when they know it's not theirs?? It baffles me.


Monday, March 25, 2013

Mediocre Monday

Not much for you tonight. Have at it!


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday Wrap

We did make it today to the Great Oz movie. Tamara liked it. The rest of us could have skipped it. The week ahead will be slow. All the kids leave us tomorrow meaning the house will once again become very quiet. For me vacation is close at hand. I have this week and then my daughter's spring break arrives. With two of her friends we will head to the ocean for some rest and relaxation. I will get through the upcoming week with that knowledge.

Hope you all enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Married Life not too different from Domestic Partnered Life....

E and little e are off at Ultimate Frisbee. Cal has a friend over so I elected to stay home. Didn't want unsupervised fifth graders breaking something (or themselves).

Our day has been quiet. We took the kids to a two hour self-defense class put on by a local Kung Fu dojo. It was a fund raiser and the kids had fun. Hopefully the money raised put them closer to their goal. It was a great idea for a way to raise money.

Tomorrow we may go see Oz the Great and Powerful. We didn't expect any wedding gifts but our wedding witnesses gave us a bunch of Regal Cinemas gift cards. Very cool and something all of us will enjoy.

Enjoy those update and your weekend.


Friday, March 22, 2013

Weekend is here!

One more thank you to all you well wishers for Tamara and I. The week at work has felt very long and I am looking forward to sleeping in a bit tomorrow. Full weekend of kid events but no work so all will be splendid.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Hype & Finally Legal

A wee bit of hype tonight from Allaine and I quote, "No guests tonight. A major announcement will be made concerning 2013 and the future of F4F Radio." Tune in to tonight's show: to find out what it is.

As you know, E and I took that extra step and got an honest-to-god marriage certificate on Tuesday. Our domestic partnership was slated to turn into us being married under the law of Washington state in June of 2014 I believe. We decided it was important to take the time and do the deed for real before then. It was also important to show the kids that we're fully committed to one another and consider all of us a real family.

I was amazed at how much more real it becomes to folks when you say you're married.. The domestic partner term just doesn't pack the same punch.

I'd also like to say a huge thank you to everyone who sent us congratulations emails. I know we both considered ourselves in this for the long haul. I must admit it's nice to have a legal way to show it. Thank you, votes of Washington.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My (Peanut Butter) Cup Runneth Over

First day of spring - and guess what - yep, it rained. Again.

Went to the pictures this evening. Saw Side Effects. It had excellent reviews, can't understand why. The reviews said it was "fresh" and "unexpected" - I found it slow, boring and totally predictable. Nothing unexpected about it. And the plot was about as fresh as last week's bread. Waste of twenty quid.

Though my cousin did find one good thing about the evening. She wandered over to the Ben & Jerry's counter to get an ice-cream for herself while I bought some popcorn (salted). They had a brand-new flavour. I thought she was going to pass out from excitement. The flavour was called Peanut Butter Cup. And yep - that's exactly what it was, Reese's Peanut Butter Cup flavour ice-cream. She loves those things. She wasn't impressed by much of the US American chocolate she tried when we were there a while back. In fact she said most of it was horrible. But she absolutely adored Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. They were not available over here, much to her disappointment. (They are now). I hope they continue with that flavour because I think it's the only one she'll be buying on visits to the cinema from now on.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How Much Wood Would a Woodpecker Peck.

First - Congratulations to Elisa & Tamara on their marriage. Brill. Pleased for you. Have a great day. There had better be photos!!

Next - tomorrow is the Equinox so we wish a Good Ostara (in the north) or Mabon (in the south) to our Pagan and Wiccan readers.

Saw a Lesser-Spotted Woodpecker near work today. Petty chuffed about that because it's the rarest of our three native woodpeckers. It was high up in a conifer, carving out a nest hole. How they don't get whiplash from all that hammering... Incredible. The hole was a perfect circle. I couldn't have done half as good a job of it with the finest chisels you could buy. Hell, I couldn't even have made such a perfect circle with a hole saw. Amazing stuff. I felt privileged to have seen it.

My contract comes to an end soon. On Maundy Thursday to be precise. So I won't be working here after that for a while. I do have a new contract starting up on the Tuesday after Easter, so I won't be out of work. It's for the same end-company but on a different site, on the other side of the river. I broke the bad news to little Barbara yesterday, that she won't be able to join us over the Easter break. I did promise that I would keep in touch, and that I would see if the new site manager would let her join us in the summer - if her mother is prepared to travel that far. (It means 2 buses and an hour's travel from her home.) If they will agree to it then I'll find some painting she can do. If not, well I'll be back at this site in October with a new contract, and they've promised that she can help out during the autumn half-term break. She cheered up a bit at that.

Not a lot for you tonight, I'm afraid.


Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday Evening

The work week has begun. One day down and a few more to go. Tamara and the boys were off today, but I'm not sure going to the dentist and cleaning inside the van can be called fun.

Tomorrow Tamara and I officially tie the knot. We have an afternoon appointment at the court house and with the kids in tow and two witnesses we will officially become married. Thank you, voters of Washington.

I always knew that someday it would be legal, but I never truly believed it would be in my lifetime. So I get lucky and Tamara will be stuck with me. Towards the end of April during her spring break we will take a short trip to Portland to enjoy some alone time together. Until then we continue on the usual paths.

Enjoy those updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Yes, I'm wearing green today.

It's Saint Patrick's Day here in the US...honestly a holiday I mostly ignore. However, I'm just superstitious enough that I did make sure I wore green today.

Our Sunday was like any other. Grocery store and puttering. Tomorrow the kids and I have the day off. We'll be heading to the dentist and cleaning out my van. Fun for me but not so much for the kids I'm thinking.


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Full Day

I do love weekends like this one. We slept in then got up and went to my daughter's Ultimate Frisbee game. We came home, had a late lunch/early dinner and started a nice warm fire. Now we have just been lazily enjoying each other and the evening. Tomorrow we will do some basics and then the boys will return and we'll start another work week.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, March 15, 2013


Words from Rev tonight!
Hey Uber Etc'ers! It's Rev from Cocktail Hour. I wanted to share with you some stuff that we've got going on and what we've been doing.

If it's been awhile since you've stopped by to listen to the podcast, you'll have missed a couple of new venues: Flicks and Swizzle Sticks and Last Call with Colette Moody. Flicks is a show that features films with a theme. Host Nikki Smalls and at least one guest host share their thoughts while, in the tradition of Cocktail Hour, enjoying a tasty beverage.

Last Call with Colette Moody is a special space for Colette to, well, be Colette. You never know what she's going to do. And we like it that way.

We've also had a series focusing on health and wellness featuring author and super fit sweetheart Bev Prescott. Just Wednesday night we posted a new show focusing on how to keep your motivation going.

Right now, the thing that I'm most excited about is the Best of 2012 Awards. We've broken the shows down into three categories and are asking for the listeners to pick their favorite in each. Two voters will win a Cocktail Hour t-shirt of their choice and make the guests and hosts of the winning episodes very, very happy. You can see the eligible podcasts, and cast your votes, by following this link:

Thanks to the wonderful Grunts at Uber Etc for all they do to keep our community informed! And thanks to all listeners of Cocktail Hour for making it possible for us to keep having so much fun.


You heard Rev, go vote!


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Happy Pi Day

Yesterday was all 1's and 3's and today is Pi Day. Numbers are splendid aren't they? Here is hoping your week is going well. Good news for many of us...tomorrow is Friday. Enjoy those updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I got hailstoned this morning. There I was, freezing, standing in a bitterly cold wind, when pow - hailstones. I was not amused. Yesterday snow, today hailstones.

It is March. This is South-west England. There should not be snow, hail, or below zero temperatures. There should be sunshine, and daffodils. and the feeling of imminent spring. Definitely not amused.

We have a new pope. Good choice of name. Not the one I was hoping for but it could have been worse. At least this one might actually remember that the church is supposed to be about caring for the poor, the sick, the weak, and not about covering up your scandals and trying to consolidate political power.

Not a choice that fills me with any hope that the church might be even a smidgen less misogynist and homophobic. But you can't expect miracles.

Have a good rest of the week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Newspapers. Bah.

Well, I've a few links for you but still not that many really.

I was pondering on the values of various newspapers today, after seeing the front page of one of our right-wing, very old-fashioned, hidebound tabloids. It gave the entire from page over to the headline "What's Really Wrong with the Queen". I looked at it for a bit and thought, "with all that's happening in the world, that was the only thing you could find for your headline??"

Not the millions of refugees in Syria?? The hundreds of thousands dead?? The dreadful situation we've left behind us in Iraq?? The child-soldiers of the Congo?? The fact that North Korea is sabre-rattling again - and might just be reckless enough to plunge the world into war??

None of that is as important as a minor stomach bug??

Last week my personal choice for tabloid reading had a front page devoted to the news that the UK might repeal the Human Rights Act and withdraw from the European Court of Human Rights. Which considering the UK was one of the main backers of the project originally seems pretty daft. Not to mention worrying for British citizens. It also had a very small pic of HM and a note, "Queen in hospital with gastroenteritis" to one side of the page. On that same day one of the tabloids had a front page almost entirely taken up with the screamer "Sick Queen Rushed to Hospital."

The Queen has a stomach bug - she is still performing her duties within the palace - giving out medals, attending the Privy Council meetings, signing stuff, etc. but she's cancelled any appointments for outside tasks. Understandable - with stomach bugs you like to be as close to your loo as possible.

Lots of people get mild stomach bugs. Lots of people get serious stomach bugs. We've got a problem with norvovirus in this area at the moment. There are restrictions on visiting at the hospital, several people at work have been off with it.

So why the hell are the papers acting like she's on death's doorstep??


There's a reason that the satirical magazine Private Eye calls the press (usually known as "Fleet Street" after the street where all the newspapers used to have their offices) The Street of Shame.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Blink and you'll miss it....

I apologize profusely for such a tiny update. I know Ze will have more for you tomorrow.


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Far too fast....

Once again the weekend has flown by. Tomorrow brings forth another splendid day of work. Until then y'all have a great evening. I will be taking my daughter to her other mom's place and then perhaps stopping by the grocery store for some basics before another week begins.

Enjoy those updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, March 09, 2013

Basketball & Books

Tonight we're off to watch a few games in the Pac-12 Women's Basketball Tournament. I will, of course, be taking something to read. Not that I don't enjoy basketball. I do. Cal and Duncan are with their dad since I had them on Mike's weekend for ECCC. Little e and her friend won't need any real supervising. It'll be nice to be able to focus on the game and reading.

Sadly a light night. Go out and do something fun.


Friday, March 08, 2013

Another Week Flies By

This one seemed to go very quickly for me. Next week will be a bit tougher as those clocks will lose an hour for us on Sunday. Here is hoping your week went well and your weekend goes better.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, March 07, 2013


Up now for your listening pleasure....
Everyone Wants to "Kiss Her I'm Famous"
F4F Radio kicks off March with the latest installment in a series of bimonthly appearances by producer/writer/director Christin Mell to talk about the latest production to premiere on, the site she co-founded. And the site which soon will be merging with OneMoreLesbian, creating a single entity even better positioned to provide high-quality online entertainment designed to appeal to lesbian audiences. This month Tellofilms will debut "Kiss Her I'm Famous", the new webseries directed by Rolla Selbak ("3 Veils") and starring Tracy Ryerson and Ilea Matthews as two best friends whose desperate pursuit of celebrity leads them to create a fake lesbian sex tape. Rolla, Tracy and Ilea will all be joining us this evening, as we discuss the new series and what to expect from it. We'll also get updates on how other recent productions have fared, and perhaps what we'll see in the future.


Sorry it's late. Lots of stuff to do tonight. Have at it!


Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Remembered Again.

Remembered for the second night. Doing well. *g*

It's Mothering Sunday (Mother's Day) in the UK this Sunday. Don't forget to get a card.

Not a lot for you tonight I'm afraid. Here's your chance to re-read some old favourites.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, March 05, 2013

I Remembered

I remembered I had to update tonight. *g*

I can't believe I was such a tosser last week - forgetting like that. I was just so tired. Partly because I was working a lot of overtime.

I've been trying to save enough for airfare to get to Dallas, in theory to attend the GCLS Con, but mainly to see some good friends there that I haven't seen for years.

I finally accepted that I couldn't do it. The cheapest airfare I managed to find was around £860. That's something like $1300. Even working all my Saturdays I still can't make it. It's a shame, they were originally supposed to be in Dallas next year - I could have saved enough by then - with this year in Portland. But the hotels couldn't work out so they switched them. Gutting.


Monday, March 04, 2013

I survived ECCC 2013.

I'm back from my weekend ECCC fun. And boy was it fun. After last year's overcrowding they were smart and spread out. That meant more walking but fewer peoplejams. I'll take the walking.

The boys went with me again this year. I picked up our passes on Friday (took the day off work) and then brought the kids back to the con for a few hous after school was over. All three of us spent a long tiring Saturday watching panels and browsing through the dealer's room and artist's alley (spread over two huge rooms this year). Sunday Duncan putzed out on us choosing instead to sleep in. Cal and I made it to the bitter end.

One thing that's been nice to see about the Emerald City Comicon is they've grown but have retained a small con feel. Even with the increased number of movie and television show celebrity guests they've kept a focus on comics and comic creators. Their comic line up is always stellar. They've also been adding more voice actors and I really enjoy sitting in on their panels.

The best thing about ECCC is their continuing commitment to making sure there's a lot of stuff that will appeal to kids. They always have a low flat rate for price gets a kid in for all three days. All ages comic creators are spotlighted. Pretty easy with the success of Boom Studios all ages line. This year they even had a ECCC Kids area complete with an astronaut to sign autographs and tables with folks to explain cool science facts and hands on activities. They also had their own track of programming.

I do love this con and can't wait for next year's show.


Sunday, March 03, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

Yeah! Another Nifty announcement....
Announcement from Ylva Publishing:

From March 3 until March 9, Read an E-Book Week will be celebrated.

Read an E-Book Week is an annual international celebration of e-books. This year, it will be celebrated for the eleventh time. For one week, publishers and authors from all around the world offer e-books for free or at a discount to encourage readers to give e-books a try.

To participate in Read an E-Book Week, we're offering all of our e-books at a 25% discount on Smashwords from March 3 until March 9.

Important: Use the code REW25 at checkout to get a 25% discount on our e-books!

If you're not familiar with Smashwords yet, check it out. They offer DRM-free e-books in multiple formats (mobi, epub, and pdf).

Check out our Smashwords site and the Smashwords Read an E-Book Week site.

Happy reading, everyone!

The Ylva Team

Thanks for coming by, Ylva and to the rest of you check it on out! Enjoy the updates and have a great week.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, March 02, 2013

Hype Night

Happy to report Claudia has come by with an announcement.

Sometimes a story is so special that it’ll stand above the crowd. Or in the case of the novella Bottle Rocket by Ann McMan, there’s the staggering around on top of a table belting out “My Way” to the beat of “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida” without the benefit of a karaoke machine and then getting pitched into Barry Manilow purgatory for butchering, not one, but two classic songs kind of standing-out-in-a-crowd story.

Ann McMan seems excited about it…

“LOOK! Up in the's a's a's BOTTLE ROCKET...all grown up and ready for prime time! If you've been trying to find it, here it is at last. The standalone novella has finally been released in eBook and paperback -- just in time for [insert holiday]. Saddle up with the CLIT-Con 13 and take a wild ride into lesfic legend. This special edition features a sneak preview chapter from BACKCAST, the full-blown sequel.”

When book critic, Kate Winston, deems the best-selling novel by debut author, Shawn Harris, “Simply Offal,” things get out of hand quickly. Shawn’s angry fans keep crashing the online magazine that Kate works for, and Kate’s fans retaliate by spamming Amazon with toxic reviews of Shawn’s book. It’s a pissing contest of epic proportions until Shawn’s publicist gets the brilliant idea to pit them against each other in the plenary session of the biggest lesbian fiction conference of the year. Sparks and fists fly as Shawn and Kate and their legions of loyal fans descend upon San Diego for a legendary literary throw down.

Bottle Rocket is the centerpiece of Ann McMan’s award-winning collection of stories, Sidecar.
Visit our Bottle Rocket page for links to your favorite booksellers and to read an excerpt.


There you go, thanks for coming by and sharing, Claudia. The book sounds fun and interesting as well (I may have to invest in this one). Now to the rest of you enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, March 01, 2013

Quiet Weekend

That is what my weekend holds. Resting up, while Tamara and the boys are off with the other geeks at the Comic Con. She got a nice early start today so hopefully they are enjoying their evening. This will mean y'all are stuck with me for a couple of boring update days.

Hope you enjoy them!

Peace, Health and Happiness.
