Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Soon be Christmas

OK - I know you lot on the other side of the pond have another feast day to get through first, but we don't do that celebration here, so Christmas is our next one.

I brought the tree down this past weekend. And all the ornaments. Checked them all, none seem to be broken. Some of the trimmings (the streamers/decorations that hang across the room) are looking a bit the worse for wear, but then they are four or five years old. Might need to buy some new ones this year.

Won't be putting them up yet of course, nothing goes up before the first of December. But everything is ready to go as soon as we reach that date.

I love Christmas. I love the tree, the decorations, buying pressies, sending cards. I love cheesy Christmas songs, and traditional carols. I love Christmas pudding, with (soya) custard. I love, love, love mince pies.

Just a big kid really.


1 comment:

E said...

You make me smile. I use to feel that way and over the last few years not so much.