Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho

First. Diwali, hope all our Hindu, Sikh, and Jain readers are having a good festival.

Next. Back to work!! Last week I was cleared to return to work this Monday. My wrist is nicely healed, I still have some exercises to do for it but otherwise it's fine. And when I called the company to see if I still had work they said, " yes, absolutely". Which was a relief. When you're a self-employed sub-contractor you never know for sure about that sort of thing.

Good to be back, although it felt a little strange. So much has changed in the time I've been away. The area I had been working on has been finished, I'm now doing different buildings in a different part of the site. Working with the same group though.

Wrist was aching by the end of the day - give it another couple of days to get used to the work again and it'll be fine.

Glad to be earning again - the past few weeks haven't half put a hole in my savings!! I had almost saved enough for my flights & expenses for a trip to the USA - now I've just about got enough to get to Glasgow and back!! And Christmas is coming so I'll not be saving much until January. Still - I'll have six months or so to save. I should be able to do it - barring any more idiotic accidents that is..


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