Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Done and Dusted.

The election is over. President Obama won a comfortable majority of the college votes and a majority (albeit a slender one) of the popular vote. The majority of rest of the world is rather relieved.

Dare I hope that all the vitriol that's been spread around will cease now?? That the politicians of the USA will stop all the hate and remember that the first word of their country's name is United??

Or am I just being a dreamer again??

Sometimes though, dreams work. The dreams of a fair few US citizens came true yesterday. Maine, Maryland, and Washington voted - the people of those states voted in favour of marriage equality. Now that is something worth celebrating.

Congrats USA. Job well done.

I am knackered - I stayed up through the night to watch. I got about two hours sleep - so I'm pretty much out of it now. As soon as I send this I'm heading for bed.

Not a lot for you tonight I'm afraid - but maybe instead you'll be able to read all the stuff you didn't read yesterday because you were following the election.

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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