Monday, August 13, 2012

Hype Night

Thanks Cheri, take it away,
Hey everyone!

It's been awhile since I've shared an update about what's going on with Cocktail Hour and the C-Spot family of sites.

I'll start with Cocktail Hour. We've been expanding our focus! We posted the first episode of our newest venue, Flicks & Swizzle Sticks which features a discussion of kick ass women in a few great films. This new feature is planned to be released monthly, each with a different theme and guests.

We're also gearing up for a series of discussions with author Bev Prescott who will talk about issues of diet, exercise, and stress management. She's been discussing these things on her blog for a little while now and the response has been fantastic. The first episode of that will be recorded late this month and if you have a question you'd like to ask, you can email at Colette Moody is preparing to begin recording her own regular show with Cocktail Hour, too. It's been a very exciting few months!

C-Spot reviews has gained two new regular reviewers and we've also begun to review non-lesfic books and graphic novels. But since we still read 99% lesfic and femslash, that's still what you'll find on the site. I've been running a daily online "newspaper" that collects tons of articles about lesbian fiction, femslash, and LGBTQ news so, if you're looking for a single place to go to get some info, you can check out C-Spot Daily: Just in case you're looking for a little dark humor, I also run where you can find the Off Topic video show and the Dear Bitch advice column.

It feels like my friends and I are always coming up with ideas for new projects so I'm happy that The Grunts here are so generous with their time and energy and allow me to share rambles with you. Take care and happy reading!

Check it out and enjoy the updates.


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