Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Over-Commercialised, Pseudo-Romantic Fertility Celebration Day

Bah humbug.

I get stuck with St. Valentine's Day?? Me?? The least romantic person in existence. The least romantic person it's even possible to imagine might exist. You expect schmaltz from me?? Oh boy.

Romantic?? Well, I suppose it should be. The whole sending-a-card-anonymously-to-someone-you-fancy thing could be. Except that it isn't like that now, about lovers or people you would like as a lover, it's got to the stage where people send their parents, siblings, or children Valentine cards. So not the right kind of love. Or kids in infant school (5 to 7 years old) being made to send cards to other kids in infant school. Which is ridiculous when you think about it.

But then - it's just a de-paganised version of Lupercalia - the Roman fertility festival. Nothing romantic about running through the street being walloped with a blood-soaked goat skin is there??

Did I send cards?? Not bloody likely. Did I get cards?? Unfortunately yes. Waste of bloody money, sending romantic cards to me.

And all those over-priced chocolates - and triple-the-usual-price roses... Bah humbug.

So what next...how about some links - recommended sites in my fandom - the Xenaverse:-

The original Xena the Conqueror fanfiction link site - created and maintained over many, many years (and the basis for the imitations) - The Annals of the Conqueror.

The original Xena-Uber & Mel/Janice links site - Ultimate Uber List

The original Xena (and Herc) pairing archive (want Joxer/Ares?? Gab/Callisto?? Xena/Jett?? it's here) - Asheras Archive

Want Xenaverse reviews?? Oldies but goodies - Lunacy and Blurb

And now I've an urge to go read some good Xena fic... see you tomorrow folks - have a good V-Day (in spite of me *g*).



E said...

You may like the original doesn't mean there is not room for more and an imitation may it be but it has some newer improvements if one takes the time to view it. And the site is well designed with nifty gadgets ...

As for the the holiday...congrats on getting those waste of money cards...I gave one and got one and I also got flowers no not the crazy priced red roses but some niftier orange flowers.

zero2aries said...

Yeah, I guess they have bells and whistles.

But mate - they have time to do the bells and whistles since they didn't have to put the time in finding the links, tracking the stories down, grading them, checking for content, etc. since they lifted all that directly from the AoC.

That's why the AoC removed the links but left the urls. At least in future anyone lifting the info has to do their own coding.

And of course you got a card!! And sent one!!

I'd have been bitterly disappointed in the two of you if you hadn't!! *g*

Orange flowers - I forgot you had a thing for orange (how could I forget that??) - what sort were they??

E said...

Hell she is doing what 100's of sites do including ours, posting links that are free on the web. As for saying she stole everything from AoC that would be wrong, she has numerous other stories posted along with those and reality is she went out and found them on her time.

I think folks that post on the web need to be a little less uptight about there stuff, it's the web and it's free. Stop being grouchy (T told me to add that)

"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".

As for type of flower, how the hell would I know? I am so not good at that kind of thing. They are cool orange ones I can take a picture if you like.

Tamara said...

I believe my word choice was "crotchety".

zero2aries said...

I prefer "grouchy".

"Grouchy" sounds butch.

"Crotchety" sounds like a little old lady knitting and complaining that her grandkids don't have any manners and it wasn't like that in her day...

Okie - what were the flowers?? E's no good!!

E said...

Alstroemeria -orange queen....that is the name of the flowers (Tamara dug the wrapping out of the garbage to get that info for you Ze, I was to lazy to do that).

zero2aries said...

Ah, Tiger Lilies - thanks.

I wanted to be able to picture them... *g*