Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Can't Think

Too many painkillers. Let's see. What to say...

First - my fandom - Lucy Lawless is awesome!! Gotta love a woman who stands up for her beliefs. (Whether you agree with her or not, you have to admit that she's got the courage of her convictions - she's doing something not just saying something should be done.)

Next - remember that website I mentioned a while back in an Uber Etc. post. The one that was archiving fanfic (and original, copyright stories) without permission. Seems they're still neglecting to ask permission.

But (according to a rumour I've read on a couple of groups) in addition to that they're gambling with the law. They are taking those stories and (in some cases) offering ebooks of them. This is foolish because a number of those original stories have been published. Commercially published. (Sometimes with revisions but sometimes not - just tidied up and edited). They are for sale.

And publishers don't like it when you take books which are copyright and for sale and you offer them for nothing. This is called theft. Book piracy. And it is against the law. Publishers tend to do nasty things to people who steal their income. They get the law on you. They issue take-down notices and get your website closed. They sue you. They demand damages.

It would be a very good idea to stop doing that before a publisher gets stroppy with you.

Finally. Yes, I did need an operation. Yes, I had the op. Yes, I am off work this week. I'm not doing much except reading because even typing is difficult as my range of motion is extremely restricted right now. (Finally managed to buy Georgia Beers latest book, 96 Hours. Cute isn't she?? *g*) Plus it hurts. But it should be a lot better in future.

They did wind up putting little plastic tubes in, to train the nerves down. The tubes were tiny. So thin. I had been expecting something a bit like a drinking straw, but these were more like a piece of hollow fishing line.

And I am on some very good painkillers. They do tend to turn what's left of my brain into cotton-wool though.



Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better soon.

zero2aries said...


I should be back to work by next Monday. And out of serious pain. I'm looking forward to that.