Tuesday, July 19, 2011

RIP The Electric Quill

My laptop died!! (sob). The misfortune was prevented from becoming a tragedy though. A good friend who knows computers made some suggestions which enabled me to recover my data. Which was brilliant because I hadn't backed up my files for for over four months. There were 12,000 words at stake!!

It really is dead-as-a-doornail now though. (Strange phrase that. Can a doornail be considered to be "dead" since it was never actually alive?? And if it can, then how did it die?? Blunt-force trauma??) The hard-drive is kaput. And the battery looks as though - if it didn't actually catch fire it sure as hell had a good try at it.

So I guess I'm shopping for a new laptop this weekend (preferably costing less than £300). I suppose it is about time. The old one had been teetering on the edge of doom for several years. And considering it was 8 or 9 years old, weighed 3kg, and had a 20GB hard-drive and 128MB of RAM, it really did need replacing.

But I'll miss it. I'd grown accustomed to its little quirks.



Tamara said...

Just don't buy a Mac....

zero2aries said...

I'd love a mac but they're so bloody expensive - I can buy three windows
laptops for the cost of one macbook