Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Usual bits first. Tomorrow is Bastille day so we wish our French readers (and those of French ancestry who celebrate) a good one. Friday is Asalha Puja so a blessed one to our Theravada Buddhist readers.

There's a fair bit to read this evening - if your fandom is Grey's or Glee. Other than that the pickings are a trifle slim I'm afraid. I think E's right - people are holding back until this coming weekend's Femslash Con and International Day of Femslash.

Congrats to the US & Japan women's football teams for making it through to the World Cup final. Any chance that US Americans will now learn to call it by its proper name?? The name used by three-quarters of the world (though the Italians are awkward about it too, they call it calcio - "kick"). Oh and that goes for you Aussies too!! It's football. Not soccer - football. Say it with me... foot...ball... football. See, easy.

Soccer is just a nickname - from British public school slang (public school here is expensive, generally exclusive, private school - not state school). It comes from the name Association Football. Just as rugger was the nickname for Rugby Football.

I know you already use the name football for a different game (we used to call that Gridiron) - one in which you have an egg shape rather than a ball and use your hands rather than your feet - and I know that handegg doesn't sound half as much fun as football but still... .

Of course there's Aussie Rules Football (Carlton!! Yeah!!) and Gaelic Football (Waterford, naturally!!) too. But at least they do kick the ball a bit more.

Mind you - there's even such games as the Kirkwall Ba. Football before there was an offside rule... That type of football is where the name calcio originates of course.

Keep practising - football. I'll be testing you next week *g*

Enjoy your updates, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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