Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Quiet Week.

Not a lot to say tonight.

I'm knackered. Did a 13-hour day at work today, got a 12 hour day tomorrow.

I've had a fairly uneventful week (touch wood). Managed to cut the grass without incident at the weekend. Did a bit of work on the allotment, similarly without incident. Haven't cut myself, broken any bones, rendered myself unconscious, or indeed injured myself, or anyone around me, in any way.

I haven't destroyed any equipment. Nor any greenhouses. Haven't ripped any clothing.

I did drop a saucer this evening though, while washing up after dinner.

I thought I'd put it on the draining-board properly but I hadn't; it slipped off and hit the floor. It shattered of course. Earthenware saucers don't tend to survive impacts with quarry-tile floors. But even that wasn't any great loss as it was only an odd one I used for bits of cake or the odd biscuit or two, and not part of a set.

Enjoy your updates - I'll try to be a bit more chatty tomorrow.


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