Saturday, January 08, 2011

Legend of the Seeker Night

I made it to work on Friday. My cold hasn't turned into the hell cold that everyone around me has been dealing with. I did manage to sleep until 9 this morning, which is unlike me. I'll get through this one with just a clogged up nose and a husky voice thank goodness.

Today we made it to Costco and the grocery store. E chopped up a bunch of wood that was too large for the fireplace. I've washed a few loads of clothes and sheets. I'm looking forward to clean sheets on the bed tonight.

Tomorrow our weekend will end with a few more errands and a few more chores. I'll tackle my checkbook. That'll probably take up a good couple of hours. Then we're back at it for the work week.

Whatever you're doing this weekend have fun and be safe.


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