Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The owl, for all his feathers, was a-cold

Boy has autumn arrived or what. In fact I think it's arrived so much that we skipped October and went straight to late November. Today was cold, wet, dark and miserable. Dark enough to need the lights on at 11am. I needed a t-shirt, a shirt and a jumper (for Americans that's a jersey/sweater/pullover not some kind of dress). It was a bit of a shock to the system considering that yesterday was a beautiful, warm & sunny day and I was in a polo shirt.

Physio reckons that if I do my exercises properly I should be able to return to my proper job the week after next. If I can get my safety-boots on without pain, that is (I can't at the moment - they weight too much and drag on my ankle). If I can it's really good news because this greenhouse job ends Friday. I think I've planted up something like 20,000 primulas and around 5,000 cyclamen. If you live somewhere in south-west England and you buy a 10cm pot with a primrose in (at an independent garden centre not a mega-store or B&Q) there's a very good chance I might have potted it.

Not a lot to read tonight but yesterday was packed so you should have plenty to keep you occupied.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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