Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sugar, Sugar...

After saying last week that I don't cook I went and had a daft half-hour or so last Friday. I really should have checked the date. It was Friday 13th. That inauspicious day couple with my propensity to burn kitchens down was not a good combination.

I had some peaches (eight, to be precise) that were in that about-to-go-rotten-without-ever-being-ripe stage. I thought I'd cook them up with a bit of sugar and turn them into stewed peaches to eat as dessert. Maybe with a bit of custard. The kid was out for the evening - otherwise she might have hit me with a brick of common sense and stopped me. Maybe she'd have cooked them up for me.

I quartered them and put them into a saucepan with a little bit of sugar and some water. And I got distracted and left them.

For a hour.

I don't have a brilliant sense of smell but it got bad enough so that even I noticed the scent of burning. So I went to check. I never knew peaches could burst into flame.

The good news though is that the fire-blanket we bought was well worth the money. It put out the fire immediately. The worktop is ok. The tiles are ok. The paintwork is ok. Even the ceiling is ok. I won't need to repaint or anything. Though the saucepan is history. It took 3 days to get rid of the smell of burnt sugar.

I was really looking forward to those peaches too!!

See you next week, be good - don't play with matches - Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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