Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hoppity, hoppity, hop.

I think Fridays are becoming my unlucky day. Or maybe I'm just a walking disaster area waiting for a convenient location to cause mayhem and destruction. Slice me in half and there it will be, written right through me like in a stick of Blackpool rock. "Warning. Handle with care. Wrap well in cotton wool, secure all loose objects, and stand well clear".

I expect you're now thinking what did she do this time??

Well it happened last Friday. It was only partly my fault. It wasn't my fault that there's a chasm in the pavement big enough to need a bridge to cross it. Well, ok, maybe not a chasm. But there is a pothole that's bigger than my foot. However it was my fault that I didn't see it. I was looking at a text message on my mobile (cell phone). And instead of stopping to read I kept walking. (After all - it's a mobile phone, not a standing-still-in-the-way-of-everybody phone).

I didn't see the pothole. Though if you ask me it's damn' careless leaving potholes lying about all over the place where anybody can trip and injure themselves. Which of course is exactly what I did. I broke my ankle.

At first they put a kind of brace on it (no cast until the swelling went down). And I couldn't walk. Couldn't shower. Couldn't sleep either coz it hurt too much. They gave me an arm-crutch but it was too much trouble trying to use it so I was hopping everywhere. Yesterday I got a proper cast-type thing. Not really a cast as it's not plaster, it's a sort of plastic. It's much lighter and it's waterproof. And I can balance well enough with it to be able to get into the shower cubicle. Bliss. A decent shower and I could wash my hair.

Being stuck home & not even allowed to take the rubbish out is very, very boring though. At least I can catch up on some reading. And re-watching Xena dvds.


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