Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Out, out, damn' spot of compost...

La donna e mobile!! It's always easy to tell the newest fandoms - they're the ones that take the longest. It used to take ages to check Legend of the Seeker - took me two minutes tonight. Took even less time to check the various L&O sites. But Rizzoli & Isles took an hour and fifteen minutes!!

Started the temporary job today. I'm glad it's only temporary. I must have washed my hands a dozen times at the end of the day. Scrubbed my nails with a nail-brush twice. And yet I still have compost under them!! Tomorrow I'm dragging my nails across a bar of soap before I start work to see if that helps.

Of course today it was hot & sunny - and the forecast for tomorrow is hotter. Typical. When I'm outside it rains but because I'm sitting in the middle of a gigantic greenhouse - twenty metres by ten metres of glass panels - we have to have a heatwave. I was sweating cobs in my jeans and polo shirt. I may turn up in shorts and a sports bra tomorrow!!

It's very relaxing potting up these poor little plants but I reckon I'm going to be sick of the sight of them before the week is out. Ah well. It pays a wage. That's the important thing.

Loads for you to read tonight, so I'll let you get on with it.


Monday, August 30, 2010

To the point....

Not much to say tonight so have at it.


Sunday, August 29, 2010


Another full day goes by. Tamara and I got to the storage space, built 5 new shelving systems and put them in place for the 100o's of comics coming this weekend. We then came home and did the lovely task of updating the checkbooks and doing the monthly bills...fun. All around another very productive day and even weekend. One more to go and then hopefully rest will come our way.

Now back to your updates, enjoy!

Peace, Health & Happiness.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Busy Saturday

Busy day for us. We rented a storage facility for my stuff that has been stored at Mike's. Because of my umpteen jillion comics the place needed to be climate controlled. Fortunately Lynnwood had a space for not a lot of money. The farther from Seattle you get, the cheaper storage is.

We also stacked two generous cords of wood that were delivered today. E hasn't complained of being sore yet but it may hit her tomorrow.

Tomorrow we'll take the new racks we bought at Costco (for the comic boxes) to the storage unit along with a few pieces of furniture that can easily fit in the back of the van. It's amazing how much room is in there when you remove all but the front seats.

Light update tonight, which should allow you to catch up on all the healthy updates we've had lately.


Friday, August 27, 2010


A very, very long week is coming to a close. Work has been its usual hell and, on top of me feeling like hell, it made for an extra special week. This virus thing has taken a toll and it's time for it to be gone. I've been eating very little and feel like sleeping all day every day. Looking forward to getting on a better path.

We have 2 cords of wood being delivered tomorrow, hence stacking wood is in our near future. We also will go and check out rental spaces for our "extra stuff". Just another weekend packed with chores.

So on that note...back to your update, enjoy.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

What's going on with us?

School is less than a week away and I think I'm ready for it. Duncan is heading into his first year of High School. Calvin will be a third grader. It's weird but over the summer he actually grew into that third grade look. Duncan is so tall now he'll fit right in at the High School. Now if he can just manage to do (and turn in) his homework....

Elisa is recovering from Salmonella. We think she got it from a restaurant breakfast. Here in the US we recently had a big recall of eggs sold through certain distributors. I'm here to tell you...Salmonella is no fun. Now E only wants me to make her breakfast. I'm okay with that.

Tomorrow is Cal's 8th birthday. He picked a Chinese Buffet for dinner. I'm not super excited about that but we always let the birthday person pick whatever type of dinner they want. He also picked moist chocolate cake for his birthday cake. I think I'll have him help me make it tomorrow.

You have a nice sized update tonight. Enjoy.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Been a bit worried about work. Not that I miss being outside in the weather we've had this week. "Heavy rain" doesn't begin to describe it. Add in the gale-force winds and the low temperatures and you'd think it was November if it wasn't for the fact the geraniums are still in bloom. But I've still been a bit concerned - I'm self-employed and I can't afford another month off work.

It's double annoying because there are six - six - jobs in the JobCentre for time-served painters right now. My proper trade. There's seldom more than one going at a time. Which is why I do all sorts of other construction-type work as well. All those jobs - some lasting for months not just a couple of weeks. And I'm stuck at home. Even I'm not daft enough to try and do my usual job with a broken ankle. But I do need an income.

I can stop worrying. Today I got a temporary job that I can do with a broken ankle. And my doctor said it's ok because I'll be sitting down. It's temporary, for six weeks. Just long enough. (I doubt I could do it for much longer really). It's only minimum wage but hell - better than no money at all.

It's working in a greenhouse, 8-5 Monday to Friday. With half-hour for lunch.. I take a tray of fifteen 10cm pots, that a machine has already filled with potting compost, from the table on my left, I remove one of the tiny little plus (1cm x 1cm) containing a baby polyanthus plant from the tray of 286 plugs, on my right. I use my index finger to make a hole in the compost in one of the pots, put the plug in, and when all 15 pots are done I push the tray across to another person who will carry it to be watered in. Easy. I have to complete one 286-plug tray every hour.

I had a 4 hour trial today to see if they felt I could do it. I can. It's actually quite relaxing. I feel sorry for those tiny little plants though. It seems cruel to stick them into a pots like that, half drown them and expect them to grow. Plucky little things. Apparently they'll be nice & ready for the autumn planting come the end of October. By which time I probably won't want to see another one as long as I live. *g*

I start 8am Tuesday. (Monday's a bank holiday) I'm looking forward to it.

Enjoy your updates, goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hoppity, hoppity, hop.

I think Fridays are becoming my unlucky day. Or maybe I'm just a walking disaster area waiting for a convenient location to cause mayhem and destruction. Slice me in half and there it will be, written right through me like in a stick of Blackpool rock. "Warning. Handle with care. Wrap well in cotton wool, secure all loose objects, and stand well clear".

I expect you're now thinking what did she do this time??

Well it happened last Friday. It was only partly my fault. It wasn't my fault that there's a chasm in the pavement big enough to need a bridge to cross it. Well, ok, maybe not a chasm. But there is a pothole that's bigger than my foot. However it was my fault that I didn't see it. I was looking at a text message on my mobile (cell phone). And instead of stopping to read I kept walking. (After all - it's a mobile phone, not a standing-still-in-the-way-of-everybody phone).

I didn't see the pothole. Though if you ask me it's damn' careless leaving potholes lying about all over the place where anybody can trip and injure themselves. Which of course is exactly what I did. I broke my ankle.

At first they put a kind of brace on it (no cast until the swelling went down). And I couldn't walk. Couldn't shower. Couldn't sleep either coz it hurt too much. They gave me an arm-crutch but it was too much trouble trying to use it so I was hopping everywhere. Yesterday I got a proper cast-type thing. Not really a cast as it's not plaster, it's a sort of plastic. It's much lighter and it's waterproof. And I can balance well enough with it to be able to get into the shower cubicle. Bliss. A decent shower and I could wash my hair.

Being stuck home & not even allowed to take the rubbish out is very, very boring though. At least I can catch up on some reading. And re-watching Xena dvds.


Monday, August 23, 2010


Yeah we know. Tamara remembered while we were laying in bed that we spaced on the update. So here it is...a little late. What kept us so busy...well I picked up salmonella some where along the way so last few days have not been great for me. Tamara is busy clearing out a house full of stuff and sorting and separating. Hence busy.

Here is hoping you all have a better week than I have so far.

Peace, Health and Happiness. And a reminder eggs are not always your friend.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Post and Run

Busy Sunday so I'm off to do more stuff. Read away!


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Weekend Day

All of us (minus the teen) went to the Shoreline Parade today. It's definitely a voting year since amongst all the nifty marching bands and youth groups we had all the swarmy politicians. Oh well, still a fun time was had. I personally got to skip the after parade festival as Tamara took the kids and I went home and napped...I do love the weekends!

Now back to your updates!

Peace, Health and Happiness!


Friday, August 20, 2010

Hey, there....

You've got me again tonight. E is busy packing CDs into boxes and being productive. I decided I could best help by doing the update.

So here it is again...read away.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'll get right to the point...

...you have a lot to read. Have at it!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sugar, Sugar...

After saying last week that I don't cook I went and had a daft half-hour or so last Friday. I really should have checked the date. It was Friday 13th. That inauspicious day couple with my propensity to burn kitchens down was not a good combination.

I had some peaches (eight, to be precise) that were in that about-to-go-rotten-without-ever-being-ripe stage. I thought I'd cook them up with a bit of sugar and turn them into stewed peaches to eat as dessert. Maybe with a bit of custard. The kid was out for the evening - otherwise she might have hit me with a brick of common sense and stopped me. Maybe she'd have cooked them up for me.

I quartered them and put them into a saucepan with a little bit of sugar and some water. And I got distracted and left them.

For a hour.

I don't have a brilliant sense of smell but it got bad enough so that even I noticed the scent of burning. So I went to check. I never knew peaches could burst into flame.

The good news though is that the fire-blanket we bought was well worth the money. It put out the fire immediately. The worktop is ok. The tiles are ok. The paintwork is ok. Even the ceiling is ok. I won't need to repaint or anything. Though the saucepan is history. It took 3 days to get rid of the smell of burnt sugar.

I was really looking forward to those peaches too!!

See you next week, be good - don't play with matches - Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Guest Ramble

Guest ramble tonight

    Let me start by saying I love eggs.
    Scrambled, fried, boiled, omlettes, egg salad, deviled, if it has eggs I will love it. However if I could only have one for the rest of my life it would be poached eggs on toast. There is a slight problem with my love of poached eggs. I cannot for the life of me cook the bloody things. Luckily I call Fitzroy (Melbourne, Australia) home; which happens to be the acknowledged world capital of the All-Day-Breakfast. You feel like a breaky fry up at 6pm, most cafes in my neighbourhood will happily satisfy your craving. A hard night on the town drinking too much will always end up at 5am eating a Souvlaki/Gyros/Kebab on the way home then a full cooked breakfast when you eventually wake up. This is usually the next afternoon after 4 Ibuprofens, looking like death warmed up and a short wander down to the nearest cafe.
    Today I was working from my home office when I had an urge, no, absolute craving for poached eggs. Yesterday I picked up a couple of trays of fresh farm laid eggs, all gigantic eggs with good odds for double yolkers. These are like hitting the jackpot, minimal whites and twice the yolk. Anyways, knowing there were 2 trays downstairs, I decided to cook them myself instead of heading to the local and placing an order.
    I have tried numerous times to poach eggs, using many different techniques. The small saucepan and the whirlpool method ended up with a nasty mess, using the metal 'Non-Stick' poaching insert for my saute pan did not work, nor was this non stick even after a spary of oil. Using the microwave created a brand new form of bouncing rubber I could have sold to 3M, and the cute little silicone egg cups that you float in water took forever and went from runny whites to rock hard yolks in the blink of an eye. Dont let it be said that I'm a quitter. I have tried and tried and tried.
    Sunday mornings are Family Breakfast days. My partner, her parents, her 11 siblings, their partners and the 300 neices and nephews all converge for a home cooked breakfast. Father-In-Law is an excellent breakfast cook. The man can make any breakfast food know to modern man, however is a total disaster for any other meal and is known to use every single possible item in the kitchen when he does cook. He is also THE poached egg guru. Last Sunday, after years of my begging, he taught me The Method, please note the capitals. The Method is seemingly simple. A saute pan with deep vertical sides 2 inches of water a good splash of malt vinegar, bring it to the boil and then turn the heat down as low as possible. When the water is still, but there are bubbles on the bottom crack an egg into a small shallow dish then gently slide the egg into the water. As soon as the white is set pull the egg out with the wide slotted spoon. It was like a lighting bolt from heaven. It seemed so very simple.
    So today was the day I would try The Method for myself. 6 eggs later I had the perfect Poached Egg. The white was perfectly set and the yolk like liquid gold. We just wont talk about the failures that led to this glorious, shining culinary moment. It was a double yolker as well, too bad I burned the toast and my coffee went cold.

    Phantom Rambler

Drop the phantom a line if you enjoyed the tale.

Enjoy your updates and as my mate Oz likes to say - if you read 'em, feed 'em.


Monday, August 16, 2010

The break is coming....

Been working on the shed trying to squeeze as much space as possible as the cost of storage is going to be high enough and getting 50-60 boxes into our shed will help a lot. Now sadly during the few days I took off to do this we're in our summer heatwave (usually lasts 4-6 days) and will be cooling off when I return to my air-conditioned office on Wednesday. I most likely will freeze, but until then these mid-ninety days are killin' me.

Here is hoping you all are staying cool. Personally I look forward to my Seattle rain to return.

Until then...enjoy your update.

Peace, Health and Happiness to all!


Sunday, August 15, 2010


We're finally getting our hot Summer here in Seattle. We're in the mid 90s for the next few days. Beats over 100 that's for sure. I'm very happy that when my mom was here she actually had to wear a sweater.

Running late tonight so I'll let you get to it.


Saturday, August 14, 2010


Late update due to new next door neighbors. They offered us a full on Indian meal. It was good even though my mouth is still burning from the spices. Tamara, of course, didn't think it was too hot but she did enjoy it, which is good as her previous experience with Indian food was not great.

So, we worked hard getting our storage space in shape and we still have more to do, but we are closer to packing it with of course more storage items. Another day ahead tomorrow.

No promises on an earlier update. Enjoy what you can!

Peace, Health and Happiness!


Friday, August 13, 2010

The weekend is upon us....

E is extremely happy to have made it to Friday. The weekend will be spent clearing out our shed to make room for storage. Fortunately we're expecting plenty of sun and no rain. Perfect for cleaning things and leaving them in the sun to dry.

Small night...have at it!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Long Week

Work has taken over this week...even my Farmville has been suffering. I'm tired and needing the two days off that I have coming up.

My job is basically me in my office on my computer, but over the last year we have been doing this monster project that, of course, has gone horribly wrong and is way behind and unfortunately means I have to do meetings. I hate meetings. The nightmare was supposed to end months ago and sadly I don't see any light now. I thought a few weeks ago we were close, but as I left today I realized we have months. Sad.

So enough of me...here is hoping you are all doing well!

Peace, Health and Happiness! And Happy Friday soon to be!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Lest Darkness Come Upon You...

And it did.

There was I, minding my own business, when Pow!! it all went dark.

I was not happy.

Some background is needed here, I guess. It's been a bitsa sort of work week - bista this bitsa that - Monday, I was digging fence-post holes (fences for a short run of 3 new-build houses that we've been working on), Tuesday, painting the outside walls of those houses, today I was a carpet-fitter's mate, laying new stair carpets inside the houses.

The fitter is an excellent carpet man. Does a really neat job, quick, efficient, tidy. He is however not the brightest of folk when it comes to anything other than fitting carpets.

We had huge rolls of carpet. You start at the bottom, measure up, cut the required length at the top, fit & tack, and take the roll onto the next house (using a parcel-trolley until it's small enough/light enough to carry). So there we were, carpet cut & ready to fix, we started in the middle, I worked down, trimming & tacking into place, he worked up. The first two houses went smoothly. Then on the third I finished slightly ahead of him. "All done," I yelled up the stairs. "Give me a hand with the left over," he replied. I stepped onto the stairs in order to join him on the landing and carry the remains of the roll down as usual.

It was then he had one of his (very frequent) common-sense malfunctions. Instead of waiting for me to reach him he decided to chuck the carpet to me. Without warning me first. He simply lifted it to the bannister and let go.

Carpet is dark. You cannot see see through it. It is also heavy. When you have one foot in the air, poised to climb another step, and carpet descends upon you there's not a lot you can do but fall over. And you can't get untangled from the carpet when you are lying on part of it. Especially when you are in great pain because you landed on the box on carpet-tacks that were still on the floor at the bottom of the stairs.

I have several puncture wounds in a certain part of my anatomy that I would rather not have puncture wounds in.

The fitter came downstairs, and instead of helping, laughed. I did not share his jollity. I kicked out, completely forgetting I was wearing steel-toecap-boots, and since I was still in darkness, unable to see where I was aiming. The doc said he's bruised and will require a week to heal. I won't need as long, but the antiseptic stings.

I do hope he wasn't planning on starting a family any time soon.

Be careful out there.

Goodnight and may your God/s go with you
