Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Over Christmas I broke a tooth. Well, shattered is probably a better description. I bit into an olive rather enthusiastically in the belief that it had been stoned. It hadn't. There was a nasty cracking noise and a chunk of tooth came away. As Xena would say "one of my good chewing teeth". I rang the dentist to see if I could get an appointment this side of the next decade and was dead lucky. The had a cancellation and if I could go the next day I could be seen. So I went. They couldn't save what was left of the tooth - unfortunately it had been filled and re-filled too often throughout my life and was now too weak. They gave me my options.

Just need to mention that here in the UK dentistry is not completely under the umbrella of the NHS so unlike all hospital treatment (emergency or other), GPs (your local family practitioner),etc., treatment is not totally free at the point of supply. It's subsidised rather than completely paid for by taxes which means there is a charge - but nothing like the full amount. American readers - please sit down - I won't be responsible for injuries sustained when fainting.

My options - cheapest was extraction at £44 less the £16 that I'd paid for my initial consultation. However - it could be crowned if I was willing to pay for that. They said that normal cost of crowns was £198 less the £16 (I went "ouch"). However they were prepared to charge only the cost of the crown itself and include the cost of preparation and X-rays at no extra charge if I paid in advance. Cost would then be £175 (less the £16). I thought about it for all of... ooh... 20 seconds and then told them to go ahead. So I've been walking round with a gap in my teeth for the past 3 weeks. Yesterday she fitted the new crown. She numbed my gums to do so. After it was all finished she gave me the usual lecture, don't eat/drink for two hours, don't eat anything sticky for two days, nothing too hard for a week. Then she said when the anaesthesia wears off there may be a small amount of discomfort, your jaw might ache a little bit.

Little bit. Is that like having a nuclear warhead explode in your garden and saying you thought you might have heard a noise?? I feel like I've been on the losing end of a bout with Frank Bruno!! There's no fear that I'll be eating anything too hard - I doubt I'll be eating anything other than soup for the rest of the week!!

Tooth looks good though.


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