Saturday, January 24, 2009

Chore Day

The usual weekend and chores are upon us. Any of you have first hand knowledge on how to make two neurotic cats (from earlier abuse with dogs and people) become less so and to accept a dog into their lives again let me know.

A good size update for you, so lots to read and don't forget the feedback, writers will appreciate it.

Have a good night.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cats, as you probably already know, have their own agenda and time table about everything. That's what is so great and so frustrating, lol. My cheap 2 cents worth is to make sure they have a safe place they can go when they feel threatened.

Also, there is a natural product called Rescue Remedy that you can give in cases where the animal won't calm down. It's made from essential oils or flower essence or magic powder or some such thing. I just know it isn't chemical and is safe. If it wasn't winter I could send you some fresh catnip and that might help.

Good luck,