Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Comics, people & stuff

The reading kind that is. Not the stand up sort. I couldn't think what to say tonight - I'd almost decided on an anecdote about American tourists I met in my youth and then Lara Z commented on my immeasurable skill at attracting strange characters into my life. And a reader called Lorraine commented on comics. Those two remarks collided in the cavern between my ears and I went "ah-ha" (honestly - I did). And I thought I'd tell you about Comic Shop Man. Because he's the character to end all characters. You couldn't make him up, nobody would believe you.

In case you hadn't guessed, I also read and collect comics. Not with the same devotion that Tamara has though. I'm selective about the titles I choose. Xena (of course, Even though the current series is...well..(just imagine 20 minutes of really bad language). One or two DC titles. And ever since my childhood (when she first appeared as a syndicated newspaper strip) Modesty Blaise.

For the past 15 years I've bought them at the same place. A tiny little specialist shop, hidden off the beaten track, which deals in comics, graphic novels and bric-a-brac devoted to comics & sci-fi, statues of characters etc.. If you don't know it you won't find it without help. New customers get served by the owner's wife. She's a nice, polite lady with a broad West-Country accent. Regular customers - if he likes them - get served by the owner. If he likes you enough he'll bend over backwards to get the things you want. But you have to ask in the approved style. And get answered that way. My cousin has coveted a statue of the Alien for about four years. She has never been able to go in and buy it though. Because he knows she's my cousin she'll have to ask properly. She just can't bring herself to do it. And I've been mean and won't do it for her. I may soon though because he's closing down in March as his health is too poor to carry on. Damn!! I'm going to miss him.

The approved method?? You walk in and slam the door behind you. When he looks up you point to the item and say (in a loud voice), "How much are you overcharging for this f***ing piece of s**t then?? Whereupon he will shout his reply, "More than you can f***ing afford, you f***ing b*stard." Then both of you grin. Then he'll say, "Want a f***king cuppa??" The correct response is "Too f***ing right." His wife will then bring tea or coffee for all the negotiating parties. The swearing stops and you discuss the price. Except for new comics (which are price-fixed) nothing in the shop has a price marked. You must never pay the first price he asks. Always offer one quarter. By the time you've finished your drink you'll have agreed a price (half his first, twice your first, which is what it would have been marked at if it had been marked). You shake hands, pay for your goods and then he says with a grin, "Sod off you thieving git." And you reply "Till next time you f***ing mangy tosser". He'll shake hands again, his wife will give you a hug and you leave with your purchase.

He has a pretty decent number of regular customers and they're all very loyal. I'm really going to miss him.



Tamara said...

Hey, now. I take exception to "selective" remark. I'm selective. I just have a much bigger selection than you do. *g*

Sorry to hear about your shop. It's always sad when we lose another one because inevitably some folks who frequent the closing shop won't find another one and will just quit comics altogether. Sending good thoughts for his health.

Anne said...

Wow, another Modesty Blaise fan! I've had piss poor luck in finding the comic collections (in Canada), but I've a well read, and re-read, collection of the novels.

I'm not sure whether or not I think it's a pity O'Donnell won't pass the franchise on to another author (there are more now that could do it justice than there were when he started writing) ... On the flip side, he's seen what other writers do with the character on screen, that would be a major deterrent.

Anne -- the law-nerd one