Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Ramble from Jo

We got lucky...Jo (aka Lessa) took pity on me and sent in a few words for you all!

I'm overwhelmed at the kindness and generosity of my friends in cyberspace.

Two recent events in my life have seen support coming from people I've never met.

The first was to do with my daughter (spacegirl) and a problem she was having with a flatmate who basically told her she had to leave - I had lots of private supporting emails from people over that.

The second was kind of related and I was so overwhelmed with "stuff" and spent a night in tears, finally sending an email out to a very small group of friends (who I've never met but we share all sorts of things) who just poured out the love and support to me.

The old saying about "a problem shared is a problem halved" is so true. Emailing and skyping with these friends helped me see a way through the "stuff" and two days later I'm feeling so much better and more positive about everything.

I feel privileged to have "met" so many people through various online forums and lists (Missy's Merwolf list initially and then others) and I can't imagine what life would be like without these online friends in my life. I am so looking forward to meeting people when I finally get to do my OE (overseas experience).

Jo Fothergill ...
... mother of spacegirl and gravelboy


Couple comments to this from me. Thanks for the ramble and ...

I totally agree about what a privilege it has been meeting so many folks and I have been fortunate enough to meet a few of them outside of this online land as well with some great outcomes. My actual partner in crime here at UE (Tamara) is one of those people, so I do know first hand how splendid this online world can be. I'm also going to hope that when Jo gets her OE she makes it to Seattle and I will gladly meet up with her in my city. Perhaps some day I'll get that OE opportunity.


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