Friday, July 13, 2007

Ramble from D

I love it when folks answer E's call to ramble. Here's a thought-provoking ramble from D.
I am curious.

I have discussed this question with friends on both sides of the equation (writers and readers), and I am bringing it here in the hopes of obtaining a broader perspective.

Over the years, I've found that there seem to be several motivating factors that make bards write - the need change or rewrite show canon because (in the case of strict fanfic) TPTB will never go there or do that; the compunction to get the words out of your head and onto the screen for some peace from the voices in your head ; the desire for feedback from readers; the hope of being published; and simply writing because it makes you happy to do so - or in my particular case... to keep Pink & Fluffy (the muse) out of mischief.

But I am curious... what makes a reader READ these days?

A long time ago... in a Xenaverse far, FAR away - bards wrote and readers read. It didn't matter what it was, readers read it. Then came uber, and people still read, because it was new and different. Then came came other femslash communities and suddenly it seemed that readers and writers were choosing sides - now either you write/read Xena fic and uber or you write/read other shows fanfic. I'm not saying everyone should read and/or like everything that is out there (I certainly don't), but I am curious as to why there seems to be such a split.

I have done both - five fandoms including Xena as well as uber/original works and a cross-over type story. I have seen the difference in reader reaction.

Now I have talked to a few Xena readers and most admit that in uber/original works, they will picture tall/dark/blue and short/blonde/green no matter how the writer describes the characters. So what makes a reader read - the story? the characters? the bard? What keeps readers from reading other fanfic - the fact that there are already other actors cast as the characters that are being written? Would it make a difference if the descriptions were tinkered with and the fic was presented as original instead of from a different fandom? Do readers prefer to be completely familiar with a show to read its fanfic or should a writer be able to bring you into a new 'verse and give you enough information that you don't feel the need to go out and buy the DVDs to yet another show? Is there a perceived lack of quality or quantity on either side of the line? Or is it simply a difference between preferring publishable material instead of actual fanfic?

As I said, I'm just curious. I'm gonna keep writing what Pink & Fluffy give me regardless - it's my only hope for achieving peace and quiet in my lifetime. :-)


A worthy batch of questions posed by D. I've read my share of fanfic but I must admit that I'm drawn to fanfic for shows that I actually know something about. Y'all email your opinions and thank D for rambling.


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