Monday, July 02, 2007


We're borrowing words tonight.
Academy of Bards News

It's July and you know what that means...while other folks are eating dogs and burgers, we'll be feasting on alphabet soup. Hope you're hungry.

How about a helping of FTB and a side of RAOB BC17 , ooh and then finish it off with some HOF? Sound good? Yum.

July is our annual Feed The Bards ( drive. Yes, I know we remind you all year long but we also know that you sometimes get so busy that you barely have time to squeeze in reading a chapter, let alone to write an email. We know you don't mean to forget to feed'm after you read'm. So we dedicate July to the effort. Please, please take a few minutes out of your busy day to click that email button and tell your favorite Bards that you do appreciate them sharing their talent with you. Tell them their story touched you or made you think or just plain entertained you. But tell them. You, the reader, are often the biggest motivator to the writer....they write for you. Let them know you appreciate all their efforts.

To go along with this we, at the Academy, run a FTB contest. The winner is the one who feeds the most Bards in the month. We ask that you CC this email address: every time you email off a note to a Bard. This allows us to count your feedings. The one who feeds bards the most during the month, will win a few really nifty prizes from the Academy Treasure Chest.

We also will have the Bard Challenge #17 Criss-Crossover voting period. Read the stories and then vote for your favorite one. Just click the email link on the story. The Bard with the most votes will get a prize package from the Academy Treasure Chest and also a gift certificate from their favorite online retailer. More details for this in a later post along with the announcement of the Punzle Contest winner.

Lastly, but not least, we have our third Hall of Fame nominations/inductions. This is where YOU get to choose which Bards and which stories get their rightful honored place in the Academy Hall of Fame. 2005 and 2006 winners are listed here:

We will induct 5 new Bards and 10 new stories in 2007...all of them as voted by YOU, the reader. To be eligible for nomination, a Bard must have at least one story housed AT the Academy. Any story...this includes stories in the invitationals and the challenges in addition to regular posted stories. For a story to be eligible for the HOF, the specific story must be AT the Academy. Bards and stories can be nominated separately. You need not pick a story for the Bard you are nominating, or vice versa, unless you want to nominate both. List your 5 choices for Bards and your 5 choices for stories in an email and send it to: We will tally up the votes and the top 5 Bards and top 10 stories will be inducted.

The Academy staff will also choose a recipient for the Lifetime Achievement Award. We will announce who it will be when we announce the other winners. We aren't going to tell you now, nyah. <.g.>

Whew, I'm stuffed, that was some alphabet soup.

FTB--all month long.
BC#17--voting period and deadline TBA shortly.
HOF--all month long.


There you have it...the Academy has plenty going on. Please remember that feeding the bards is an important issue for all of us. It could mean the continuation of a writer sharing more or not. So when you read 'em let them know what you thought.

Thanks, now enjoy the updates.


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