Monday, December 25, 2006

Survived Another Christmas

Yes, sadly I'm a poopyhead who looks forward to Christmas being over. Now I can rest and enjoy our New Year's Day dinner of tacos and enchiladas (and Mexican black-eyed peas for luck).

Things went smoothly this year. Making these phone calls every night has taken the worry of Christmas debt off my head, which I know helped a ton. Cal received his wished for blue ukelele. Thank goodness for Ebay. Duncan seemed pleased with his loot . Thank goodness for a renewed addiction to Pokemon cards.

I did have one little glitch. I forgot to put sugar in my pumpkin pie. I ended up sending Mike and the kids out of the house the day I was making the pies because they were getting on my last nerve. I imagine during one of those nerve stompings I spaced and left out the sugar.

Strangely enough pumpkin pie doesn't taste too bad without sugar. After all I had Cool Whip on top and that's sweet. I did end up sprinkling a packet of Splenda (artificial sweentener) on top and that made everything fine and dandy. Since that fix worked I ditched my plan of throwing that pie away and making another.

Here's hoping everyone had a relaxing holiday season this year. Enjoy the updates!


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