Thursday, September 10, 2015


I've had a tiring couple of days. Wednesday was supposed to be the first day of school for the kiddos at the school where I work. My union, The Seattle Education Association, has been negotiating with the district since May with no substantive agreement reached.

As a result, SEA members voted to strike beginning September 9 (the first day of school). On that day SEA members met at their respective schools and walked the picket line from morning until the end of the school day.

In the past two days I've walked over 30 miles. That's probably not a lot for Ze. She does a *lot* of walking. It's a lot for me though.

Tomorrow we're meeting at locations all over Seattle and doing public service activities. My school along with another Middle School will head to Green Lake and pick up trash. After a few hours of that we'll head back to our respective schools and picket until the end of the school day.

I've been very happy that the education professionals at my school have maintained good spirits throughout the strike. Support from the public has been phenomenal. We've been gifted with water, snacks, honks of appreciation, and homemade signs carried by student and parent supporters.

That said...I would like for an agreement to be made soon. I want to see the kids and get into the swing of a new school year. I love my job and would much rather be doing it than walking a picket line.


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