Tuesday, September 15, 2015

So Much, Owed by so Many, to so Few.

First - a couple of days late but Happy New Year to our Jewish readers.

Today is Battle of Britain Day. It's the 75th anniversary of the biggest battle of that aerial campaign, of the day when Hitler abandoned the idea of invading the UK.

There aren't that many of "The Few" left now. But today, those that could, attended a service of remembrance in St. Paul's in London.

After the service over 40 Spitfires, Hurricanes, and Blenheims took off from one on the RAF's wartime airfields and began a country-wide flypast. At least one of the planes flew over every remaining Battle of Britain airfield.

As it happens my local (small) airport was once one of those bases. And a local businessman owns one of the Spitfires. So we got a flypast.

The Spitfire flew right over where I was working. Quite low. I got to see it!! I can't begin to tell you how delighted I was.

Such a beautiful aeroplane.


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