Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Blood Moons and Daisies

Today is Michaelmas (pronounced Mikklemus here), otherwise known as the feast of St Michael and All Angels.

It's still important for things such as Oxford & Cambridge university terms (semesters to US folk) - the term starting now is called Michaelmas Term. Same with the Inns of Court (Barristers [lawyers] chambers) and court sittings.

It also gives its name to a small purple flower of the aster family - the Michaelmas Daisy. Regular readers will know I'm rather fond of that flower. And I was delighted to see that yes - the Michaelmas Daisies have behaved and are actually in flower for Michaelmas.


So... did those of you lucky enough to be in the path of the lunar eclipse get to see it?? I did. I had to set my alarm clock for 2.30am to get out of bed for the totality - which I did. In spite of its being a work day and I have to get up at 5.30 for work.

It was worth it.

I went back to bed at 3.45. Got up at 5.30 and spent most of the day wandering round like a zombie.

But it was definitely worth it.


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