Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Today was Bastille Day - hope our French readers had a good one.

I'm back home - but not for long.

Next week I'm off to The GCLS Con.

My poor ferrets will be forgetting who I am at this rate. Gone a week, back a week, the off again.

My cousin looks after them well, feeds them, pops them in their playpen. But she's not really keen on them, says they move too fast. She'll take good care of them but they won't get any cuddles. And she won't play with them. She'll just watch them play together. They'll be ok,

But I bet they'll be glad to see me when I get back... I'll have to buy them something special to make up for it. Maybe a ferret Kong.



Tamara said...

Holler if you want us to handle Tuesday and Wednesday while you're whoopin' it up in New Orleans.

zero2aries said...

Thanks, Okie.

I'm not sure at the mo - I think Jean & Vic (where I'm staying Tuesday) are still on dial-up - in which case I won't do the updates Tuesdays. I'll let you know once I know for certain.

Wed next week should be OK I'll be in NOLA and the hotel has wi-fi. Wed 29th might be a problem as I'll be on a plane home. I'll try & check my sites & leave a draft ready, so if I can do the update at least you'll be able to post one.

Actually I really should do that anyway - leave my day-to-day update list as a draft so you & E can help yourselves to a few when there's nothing on your sites