Saturday, March 21, 2015

Countdown to Nerd Fun

Another weekend means another Ultimate Frisbee game. Little e's team won once again. We had quite the fun ride to South Seattle and the playfield. It's not too far from Boeing Field so we got to see many low flying planes landing.

Next weekend Cal and I will be attending the Emerald City Comicon. Little e will be off at a math competition with her math club. This will leave E home with the animals in the lovely peace and quiet.

I'm looking forward to my big indulgence for the year. I even took Friday off. I wasn't going to do it this time since it's my first year at a new job but I couldn't resist going all three days. Plus my attendance record is pretty darn good. I've only had to take off a few hours here and there for doctor appointments for me or Cal. I haven't been out sick yet (knock wood).

I'll let you get to reading.


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