Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Spending Too Much

The lass in charge of the ferret section at the RSPCA told me that Arctic loved to play with, chase, and catch a particular cat toy. It's one of those stick things, with a piece of elastic with a feather, or a plastic mouse, or little cloth bird, or something similar at the end. Something like this.

So I decided to buy one. At the end of last week I popped into the pet shop to look for one. There were all sorts of things, toys, treat, water-bottle covers, crackle tunnels, fluffy swings.

I got carried away. By the time I left the shop I'd spent over thirty quid!! (About USD50).

It was only when I got home I realised I'd forgotten to buy the very toy I'd gone in to get.

So yesterday, on my way home from work, I called in again to get one.

I very nearly spent another £22 on a microwaveable heated sleeping mat!! (Keeps warm for 10 hours). It said it was for rabbits, hamsters, and guinea pigs but it was also suitable for rats, mice, and ferrets. I forced myself to put it back on the shelf. It's surprising how difficult it was to do that. I kept telling myself that ferrets don't need one, they like it cool, and summer is coming anyway.

I did remember the cat toy this time. Arctic and Polar both love it. And it's a great way of wearing them out without wearing me out. My cousin says I spoil them. Well yeah, of course, doesn't everybody spoil their pets??


Monday, March 30, 2015

Sinus Headache

Beautiful 60 degree day, tomorrow though is rain rain rain. My head is pounding as the pressure is changing and my head is feeling every bit.

Long day at work and come home to the flea ridden animal pack. Feels like all the time washing blankets and putting flea medicine on the animals was a waste of time and even money as the little bastards are still happily with us (fleas that is). Sick of them.

Enjoy your updates and have a splendid week.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, March 29, 2015


I did something that I haven't done for the last several years attending the Emerald City Comicon...I left early. I almost didn't go today because I feel so crappy.

I took another dose of DayQuil though and Cal and I made it to the con around 11. I spent money on back issues then decided I didn't want to wait around until 3 to see John Barrowman. I'm sure he'll be back to ECCC eventually and I'll see him then.

Here's hoping next year I'm not sick. I can say having a nasty head cold on ECCC weekend blows. Pun intended.


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Day 2 of Comic Con

Tamara and the boys are off having fun. I am enjoy nice peaceful day at home. One more to go than back to work we go.

Go something to say, ramble or rant? Let us know.

Enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, March 27, 2015

Quiet Time

Daughter is at her other house and the rest of the family is at the Emerald City Comicon. Just the animals and I. One sad sore doggie and one old neurotic cat. I am glad it's Friday. My weekend will be very low-key mostly home with the pets. Doing some light chores and watching few movies. Staying close to home in hopes the doggie will continue to improve.

Hope your weekend is splendid. Enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

A Long Week

Some are longer and harder than others. This would fit into the long hard week list.

Enjoy the updates and may your weekend be splendid. Mine is going to be full of nothing but laying on couch and hopefully watching a few chick flicks.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Ferrets & Eclipses

I picked up my new ferrets on Friday 13th. The lass at the RSPCA said Polar (the male) might be a nervous at first, and a bit shy. When he'd first arrived at the shelter he'd dived into his box and not come out for a couple of days. So I was prepared for him to be a little subdued. Arctic seemed much more lively and mischievous from what I'd seen at the shelter.

I bought a new wooden hutch for them - Snow's old one was decidedly scruffy and the roof was starting to break up. I left them in the carry-case, watching me through the bars, while I assembled it. Two floors, with a ramp, bars to front and side, and a closed in sleeping chamber. When it was ready I put some blankets into the sleeping chamber, put a litter tray in the bottom section. Fixed a water bottle to the top, and a water bowl to the bottom bars. And put a bowl if food in. I transferred them to the sleeping section, popped some toys into the bottom bit and left them to get settled.

Saturday morning I went out to see them. "Hey babies, cuddle time," I said. Cuddle?? Chance would be a fine thing.

I'd thought the garden was ferret-proof. It turns out it was only Snow-the-middle-aged-ferret proof. Two lively, eighteen-months-old ferrets?? Oh boy!! The gravel boards along the fence, the bricks blocking the drain-pipe, the blocks closing the gaps behind & beside the shed, that Snow would stand up to and peer over?? No barrier at all to this pair. They laugh at such obstructions and climb right over them. At the same time... at opposite ends of the garden.

Polar managed to squeeze down the side of the shed and get stuck. He squealed for help. I was just about able to slide in, reach down, grab him and back out.

While I was doing that, Arctic - some how - God only knows how - pushed aside the brick blocking the drain-pipe and, as ferrets do - decided to explore it. She got stuck of course. I unscrewed a section, dropped it down a short distance and an extremely wet, slimy, & covered in green gunge, head of a once-albino ferret poked out.

I looked around for Polar.

He was stuck behind the back of the shed.

I put Arctic back in the hutch and locked the door before repeating my feat of cramming myself into a space that a tooth-pick on a hunger-strike would have trouble accessing and fishing him out.

I put him back in with Arctic, changed their water, food, and litter and went back inside to get a coffee. I needed one - I was exhausted and it wasn't even eight o'clock yet. And I still needed to repair the drain-pipe!!

I have managed to get some cuddle time since then (though Arctic would rather try and wriggle up my sleeve than lie still) and lots of playtime. But if I let them loose in the garden together it's absolute mayhem.

Ferrets have an enormous sense of adventure and absolutely no sense of direction. If they escape they will roam for miles, get completely lost and unable to find their way back. (They are micro-chipped, just in case). They will then sit down and cry and wait to be rescued. I have, therefore, bought a large roll of chicken wire. My task for this next weekend - covering every nook, cranny, and gap - including the entire garden fence, with chicken wire!

I bet the little beggars will still find a gap somewhere! lol


BTW. The eclipse was brill. The cloud was so thick Friday morning I thought I wouldn't get to see it, but it cleared enough by 9.15 to see the best bits. Ours was 85% of full. The temperature drop was very noticeable. My ferrets didn't quite know what to do... was it breakfast time?? Playtime?? Bed-time??

And this time I didn't do anything stupid so I didn't scorch my eyes.

In 1999 when the last one happened here I was so careful with my special viewing glasses... until, having taken them off to speak to my cousin and a friend, I looked back up at the sun without putting them back on. Couldn't have been even as much as a minute, but it was long enough that my eyes were gritty, and felt as if they'd been sandpapered, for a least a couple of days afterwards. This time I made sure I didn't take them off at all.


See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Going to the Chapel...

Loads for you to read tonight.

Ferret fun tomorrow.

Tonight - for those of you who are fans of little Barbara. Unfortunately she won't be joining me at work in future. She's moving away. Her mother (who as you may recall was a young widow) has met someone. They've been seeing each other for about a year and are finally convinced they're suited. So in April they're getting married. They're both selling their houses and buying a new one together. The new house is on the other side of the county. Not so far that I can't pop along for a visit, but far enough that it will need to be a pre-arranged visit.

Barbara is torn between being excited about her new house and her new school,absolutely over-the-moon about her new father, and upset that she won't see me often and won't be working with me during school holidays.

I've promised I'll visit her, and told her not to say "never" because there's always a chance that work will dry up locally and I might find a contract near enough to her new home for her to stop by.

Yes, I'm invited to the wedding. Yes, I will be going. No, I'm not a bridesmaid!! lol. Barbara is though.


Monday, March 23, 2015

Spring Rain

Our full week has started with a blast of cooler weather and rain...lots of rain. Send warm thoughts to little e. She had Ultimate Frisbee practice in the downpour. Cal lucked into a ride home from his wrestling day camp (no school for him today). Since we were all at work he walked to the high school and was all set to walk home when it was over around noon. This just happened to be when the rain hit.

Max seems to be on the mend. We're not really sure what happened on Friday while we were out of the house. He obviously wrenched something that made him very sore. He's back to his usual self now thanks to pain and anti-inflammatory pills. He'd be ecstatic if the rain would stop. He's definitely not a water dog.


Sunday, March 22, 2015

End of Weekend

Productive weekend it was. Even with being careful with the doggie we seemed to have gotten a lot done. Tamara even mopped today. Back to work for us tomorrow. How productive can we be this week? Tamara wants it to go by so she can enjoy her holiday starting Friday for the Emerald City Comic Con.

May you all have a great week. Enjoy the few updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Countdown to Nerd Fun

Another weekend means another Ultimate Frisbee game. Little e's team won once again. We had quite the fun ride to South Seattle and the playfield. It's not too far from Boeing Field so we got to see many low flying planes landing.

Next weekend Cal and I will be attending the Emerald City Comicon. Little e will be off at a math competition with her math club. This will leave E home with the animals in the lovely peace and quiet.

I'm looking forward to my big indulgence for the year. I even took Friday off. I wasn't going to do it this time since it's my first year at a new job but I couldn't resist going all three days. Plus my attendance record is pretty darn good. I've only had to take off a few hours here and there for doctor appointments for me or Cal. I haven't been out sick yet (knock wood).

I'll let you get to reading.


Friday, March 20, 2015

Long Day

We are a bit late tonight as we had to make a visit to the vet. Our doggie squealed when jumping down from the bed and then when Tamara tried to feel him more squealing. The vet thinks he wrenched something and is sore. We got some pain meds and strict instructions to keep him low and calm for a couple weeks to let him heal. Here's hoping it works.

Sorry about the posting last night it was spaced by T and myself (thank Ze for posting).

Have a good weekend.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Coming in Second

Cal has been wrestling for his middle school team. It's his first time to wrestle and he's done well. Tonight he lost a bout for the first time. Needless to say he wasn't very happy about it.

It'll be good for him. He has a long way to go to be a skilled wrestler. His wins have all been speedy with him overpowering his opponent.

Tonight he met someone with solid muscle who couldn't be overpowered. He did well for most of the bout. His opponent didn't manage to pin him until the third round. I think Cal was pooped. Another good lesson...get your stamina up.

On the plus side Cal's team won the match. Hooray!


Wednesday, March 18, 2015


There's going to be an eclipse on Friday. And as it's a so-called super-moon, too, it will be a really good one.

As the map map shows, not many people will be in line for a totality, but it will be near total for much of Scandinavia & the UK. And a partial will be visible as far south as North Africa.

I'm really stoked about it. I love this kind of stuff. Can I find my eclipse glasses though?? Of course not. I haven't seen them since the last eclipse here in 1999. Hope I can get a new pair - otherwise it'll be the old pinhole-in-a-bit-of-paper routine.

Friday is also the Vernal Equinox. We wish our Pagan and Wiccan readers a good Ostara or Mabon.

Saturday is Norooz - we wish our Zoroastrian readers a Happy New Year.

Saturday is also the Hindu New Year - Happy New Year to our Hindu readers.

Next week I'll tell you about my new ferrets, and how they're settling in - and running me ragged. As my maternal Grandmother used to say "My Godmothers and Godfathers at my baptism it's madness!!"

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Paddy's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all our Irish, and of Irish ancestry, readers.

And remember It's Paddy not Patty

Here's a couple more facts for you.

Corned beef?? No, boiled bacon, yes.


Monday, March 16, 2015

Cello's that Rock

My daughter for Christmas this year got tickets to see one of her favorites 2Cellos (Sulic & Hauser. As mom I got to go and see them with her. We got lucky and had great seats. I can say without a doubt, these guys rocked. Even with my ear plugs they were super loud but oh so great. If you get a chance I do highly recommend them. And as they stated at the open of the show this is not about classical music.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, March 15, 2015


Little e's team handily won their first Ultimate Frisbee game. I was pleasantly surprised that the little spit of rain ended early and the sun was out by the end of the game.

Today, however, the rain returned. Again...not complaining. We need this rain. Max and the outside cats are the only beings not enjoying it.

Our week ahead is filled with a couple of wrestling matches (Cal), an Irish dance performance (little e), and work.


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Once in a lifetime. Pi Day.

Here is hoping today all the numbers come together. It's Pi Day for anyone who cares. Personally I think it's very cool as a once in a lifetime hit of numbers. But I have a math degree so numbers are splendid for me.

Our day was filled with the usual. Ultimate is here, so the next few moths of weekends we'll be watching kids throw a frisbee around rain or shine. Today it was a little of both.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, March 13, 2015

My Dogs Are Tired

A week filled with lots of walking is under my belt. My feet are pooped and happy to be without shoes and propped up on the coffee table. I still need to get some walking out of them tonight with Max but he ambles along at a nicely paced trot.

Tomorrow we'll spend part of the day watching little e's first Ultimate Frisbee game. Likely this will occur in the rain. I'm not going to complain because we need that rain and it's nice to see some typical Pacific Northwest springtime weather.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Not a whole lot to read tonight....

Giving you an opportunity to catch up with all of Ze's updates of the last couple of days. Here is hoping the week is going well and you can enjoy the upcoming Friday. And to Ze, we wish you well on that cough. Those suck.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Could the Cough Go Away, Please

Still coughing. Apparently this particular virus hangs about for a couple of months. And my ribs still hurt. (whine, whine). Can you tell I'm feeling sorry for myself tonight. *g*.

I'm not good at being unwell. I get fed up and bored and want it to be over, thank you.

Ah well, at least it's not that cold. I feel sorry for the folk who've been having blizzards and stuff.

Plenty for you to read. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Guess What...

I've been considering adopting a dog or possibly two - it's been a long time since my boys died and I miss having a dog. On Friday I finished work early so I stopped off at the RSPCA shelter. The RSPCA re-homes dogs, cats, horses, goats, guinea pigs, rats, birds - you name it, they rescue it. They didn't have a lot of dogs on the website even though the kennels are pretty full, as they only list animals for adoption when they've been chipped, vaccinated, spayed/neutered, cleared for re-homing by a vet, and have spent a couple of weeks or so being assessed by the staff.

I went into the office and enquired about adoption. They were polite, welcoming, and helpful. They only had one dog cleared for re-homing at the time - a Staffie. I don't want a Staffie - I'd be too worried about my cousin's cat. She would put her foot down about any kind of terrier really, as she's not keen on them. I explained I was hoping for a collie, spaniel, or retriever of some type.

They gave me some forms to fill out and said I would be contacted for a home inspection. They asked what experience I had with pets. I told them about my dogs, my rats (long time ago), my cousin's cats, and little Snow the ferret.

When I mentioned Snow the staff member perked up. I had ferret experience?? Did I want another ferret??

Well... Snow was a lovely little thing, so affectionate, so intelligent, so playful...

I went to look at the ferrets.

The RSPCA were damned quick. They came for a home visit on Saturday and approved me for a dog, cat, or other animal.

You know what's coming now, don't you.

My two new ferrets, both albino, one female (spayed) and one male (neutered) arrive next Friday.

I'm really looking forward to getting them. Bought food, treats, new blankets, new toys, already.


Monday, March 09, 2015


Back to work after we lost an hour to daylight savings. The kids at school were remarkably alert. I expect we'll have a lot of tired kids by Friday.

This spring forward was an easy one for me. I had a week of solid sleep under my belt and waking up this morning wasn't painful at all. It was a nice change from previous years.

The kids are with us this week which means we have many after school activities. I believe every day this week is spoken for as a matter of fact. And Saturday will bring little e's first Ultimate Frisbee game of the season. Spring is truly here.


Sunday, March 08, 2015

Weekend of chores

The weekend cones to an end. Back to the work week we go. Our weekend of house maintenance is coming to an end for this weekend. Many more in our future I am sure. Here is hoping you all had a good one and have a splendid week ahead.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, March 07, 2015

Spring is in the air!

It's been a weekend of getting things done. More planned for tomorrow.


Friday, March 06, 2015

Friday Night

The weekend arrives with perfect weather. This is a kid free weekend for us. House chores await us and hopefully some slug time as well. I do know the dog will luck out as I am sure a park is in his near future.

Time with my wife is always a good thing. Here is hoping your weekend is splendid as well.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, March 05, 2015


Light night for y'all. It's a good time to catch up on Ze's bounty of stories.


Wednesday, March 04, 2015


Well, I managed a day of work without too much trouble. Still coughing a bit - and my ribs hurt where I've pulled a muscle because of the coughing - but other than that I feel ok. Guess I'm on the mend properly now.

Lots for you to read these past couple of days.

Stay healthy!!

Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.
