Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Bribery Works

It's currently Navaratri - we wish our Hindu readers a good festival.

Snow's current favourite plaything is one of those transparent plastic storage boxes, (designed to be filled with clothes and go under the bed), full almost to the brim with those little, expanded polystyrene foam, packing pieces, (colloquially known round here as "plastic snot"). She leaps in and out of it, twists and burrows and generally has a whale of a time.

In fact, she loves it so much it's difficult to get her out.

Which is a right pain when I need to put her back in her cage so I can go out.

In the end I resorted to bribery to get her out. There are some little ferret bits she loves, not her normal kibble but special treats. They have a crunchy outer shell and the inside is a malt-flavoured paste. Snow adores them.

Three bits waved where she could smell them brought her right out of the box and back in her cage waiting for them. Bribery works.

Unfortunately I've now made a rod for my own back - she knows if she holds out for a bit she'll get a treat. She now flatly refuses to get out of the box - or the pipe - or her crackle tunnel - until she can smell treats.

Bloody intelligent little so-and-so...


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