Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Wi-fi Still Misbehaving.

Happy Canada Day to our Canadian readers.

Great game USA/Belgium. Well played USA - I liked the way you never gave up (unlike our over-paid shower). Shame there had to be a loser.

There's a bit for you tonight - but not as much as I wanted to update. Tomorrow we get a new "Super Hub" so my intermittent wi-fi problem will be sorted. So I should be able to post loads more links for you.

It's weird. There is no rhyme or reason to it. I can be happily surfing/posting/commenting for a couple of hours then bang - suddenly it's gone. Or I can get a whole ten minutes before it vanishes for hours. Or I boot up but can't get a signal at all for ages - then it'll suddenly connect for 30 minutes before disappearing again. I could understand if it packed up and stayed packed up but this maybe-I'll-work-maybe-I-won't... is just daft.

I've been checking the local animal rescue shelters to see if I can find a playmate for Snow, because ferrets are social animals. No luck so far in my county. There's a neutered male in the next county but it's a bit far to travel on spec. I'll keep checking.


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