Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Fun on the Allotment

Cracking World Cup final, wasn't it? Great game. And the best team won. Congratulations to Germany, you deserved the win.

The weather's been pretty good here - so good in fact that people are now complaining that it's too hot, too humid, and we need a bit of rain as their gardens are too dry.

What would we Brits do if we couldn't complain about the weather...

Spent most of the weekend (when not watching sport) working on the allotment - the weeds have had a growth spurt. The ground really is dry, and pretty hard to dig, so I wound up with blisters on my hands. Much to the amusement of the lads at work. The jokes were not fit for polite company - and rapidly became very, very boring.

Stripped the broad beans (it was time to finish picking them), there weren't that many plants really but we got masses from them - about fifteen kilos. Phenomenal. Sowed some rocket in the cleared space (it grows really quickly).

The humidity and heat means the cos lettuces are bolting before they're a decent size, so I've sown a few more in hopes they'll do ok. The lollo rosso seem to be doing all right though. And from the looks of it we're going to have a pretty good crop of potatoes. And the beetroot are doing well.

The peas, however... we had that spell of cold and very wet weather, earlier this spring, at precisely the wrong time for the peas. There is just one plant - and even that looks pretty sorry for itself. We might get two peas from it if we're lucky. And by that I mean two individual peas in one pod - not two pods.

Ah well. Peas are cheap enough to buy.


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