Thursday, July 31, 2014

On the verge of the weekend....

First up, thank you, Ze. You truly are appreciated. It's amazing how many stories you find. You rock!

Now I am pleased as tomorrow is Friday and here is hoping you all feel the same way. Enjoy your update and weekend.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Gone Again...

Regular readers will know I mark the summer by the presence (or absence) of swifts and swallows. They arrive in April or May and I know summer is not far away. They leave in late August to early September and I know that summer is all but over.

Well this year Mother Nature is off-kilter. The "dawn chorus" stopped early. The blackbirds and thrushes have stopped singing already.

And this past weekend... they left.

On Friday, in my lunch-break, I stood and watched the swarms of swifts racing, in huge, sweeping circles, high across the sky, while below them swallows swooped and dived. On Monday I stood at lunchtime and the sky was empty.

Not yet August and they've gone.

We're still having that heatwave, there are still hordes of insects for them to eat, but they've gone. Summer's not yet over. But they've gone.

I really don't want to think about winter coming. Not yet. But there are only 147 days til Christmas...

And on that note I'll bid you good night *g*

Enjoy your updates. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Missed Them Again

It's Eid al Fitr - the end of Ramadan - we wish all our Muslim readers Eid Mubarak.


Missed them again.

The Perseids that is. Though I will have a bit longer to try to catch sight of them. Weather conditions (cloudy) have meant that I've not been able to see any of the astronomical phenomena so far this year. Very frustrating.


Snow has discovered yet another new toy... the watering-can.

We've had a very hot, very dry, couple of months. There was a day of thunderstorms and very, very heavy rain last week, but the ground was too dry to benefit from it. Most of it ran straight into the drains. So the ground is really dry, down at least 20cm deep, bone dry. This has meant watering the allotment, and also the flower borders on the garden. By hand. Using a plastic watering-can.

I'd finished watering the roses and put the empty can down, Snow was out with me and running around, chasing my feet, and scooting to and fro through the poster tube I'd got her to play in. Being an inquisitive little wotsit she decided to investigate the can. She managed to stretch up high enough to knock it over. She realised it was hollow and that was it - straight into it and rolling around in the dampness inside.

She poked her head out briefly to check where I was before ducking back in and wriggling around. Apparently this is enormous fun, because she kept doing it for 20 minutes. Who knew a watering-can could be so much fun??


Monday, July 28, 2014


The hotter weather has returned after our week of rain. This week's temps will be in the 80s...not too bad. Strangely enough our weather mirrors Oklahoma City's weather this week. My mom will still be cold with all the fans in the house running.


Sunday, July 27, 2014

Back to Work

My three days off are over. Back to the basics for me. My daughter also packed up and is off at her other mom's place for a couple of weeks. T, Cal and Ellen are all still in vacation mode. Hopefully the weekend was joyful for y'all.

Now back to the usual, enjoy those few updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, July 26, 2014

Fingers Crossed

Small update and I'm out of words. Send good thoughts for more stories tomorrow.


Friday, July 25, 2014


I would say there are a few nifty things in Olympia, but over all that trip was less than stellar. How could so many places be closed for renovation in the middle of tourist season? How could so many places only open on on the weekends during summer? Not our best trip and to top off the wonderfulness we lost power in the hotel this morning just as we were getting up and about. Showering in the dark is interesting. It seemed a fitting end to the trip.

Tomorrow we will check out the Tour de Terrace.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Things to do in Olympia....

That list would be small. Actually the list would have been larger if many of the places we wanted to see were open. I guess summer seemed like a good time to renovate or be open limited hours. Go figure.

Our mini trip to Olympia has been mostly a bust. Although we did manage to buy a stellar yellow watermelon at the Farmer's market. And the area here is quite beautiful so there is that.

I was a little underwhelmed by the Washington state capitol. Not too much of it was open. It certainly wasn't anything like the tour you get at the Texas state capitol or even the Oklahoma City state capitol. We were treated to a beautiful use of marble.

Tomorrow we head back to Shoreline and the cats and dog. I'm sure they'll all be happy to see us.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Let the Games Begin

Just been watching the opening ceremony of the 20th Commonwealth Games.

As it started I thought "Blimey, did they get much change from a fiver for this". But as it went on I decided I'd done them an injustice. They produced a pretty good ceremony considering. They spent a fair old whack on the closing fireworks though.

Best bits were John Barrowman with his "big gay kiss" - nicely reminding people that being gay is still punishable by death in a couple of Commonwealth countries, and by imprisonment in about 40...

And South African singer Pumeza Matschikiza - lovely voice - singing a song in the Scots language (no - not Scots Gaelic but the lowland, related to English, language of the Anglo-Saxon areas of Scotland) - Freedom Come All Ye. Dedicated to Mandela.

And they raised a great deal of money for UNICEF too. (About £2.5 ,in the UK alone, in the first 20 minutes or so).

Competition starts tomorrow - I can't wait.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Having a Heatwave

I'm enjoying the sunshine, the weather's been glorious. But ... (I'm English - the weather always has a "but")... it's too damned hot.

Okay - for those of you in southern Europe, Africa, most of Asia, large chunks of the Americas, Australasia, etc. complaining that temperatures between 26 & 30 celcius are too hot is ridiculous. But for us wimpy Brits it is too damned hot.

It's nearly midnight and the temperature in my (south-facing) bedroom is still over 30c.

Too hot to sleep - I'm going to have to sleep under a damp sheet...

Snow doesn't like the heat either, she's been very pleased to have bottles of frozen water, dotted about her hutch, too drape herself over to keep cool.

I might try that myself.


Monday, July 21, 2014

A Short Week

A little vacation time for me. Monday and Tuesday is work and the rest is play. We will head down to or state capital and check out the sites.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, July 20, 2014


Yesterday was the International Day of Femslash. As a result you have a nice amount to read tonight.

The rain finally arrived here in Shoreline. The grass and plants should be very happy. Max, however, won't be.

I'll let you get to reading.


Saturday, July 19, 2014

Smooth Saturday

A nice easy day all around. We completed a couple of chores, which included us trying a new hamburger spot. If you're near Shoreline, WA we recommend Billie On Gourmet Burger Restaurant. It doesn't look like much but a good lunch was definitely had by all.

Now enjoy those updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, July 18, 2014

Milder Temperatures

Our weather is finally cooling down. This has made mom cold. She's definitely used to Oklahoma heat. A typical Seattle summer leaves her wearing a sweater and shivering under our ceiling fan in the computer room.

We don't have too much planned for the weekend. On Wednesday we'll leave for a short trip to Olympia with both kids. Duncan is going to be our house/pet sitter while we're gone. The prospect of visiting the state capitol and seeing a bunch of museums didn't really excite him. Imagine that.

Small update for y'all tonight. Enjoy!


Thursday, July 17, 2014

The return of normalcy.

Family is home...the animals and I are happy about that. The weather, which has been overly hot, is returning to averages. I love our summer average. What's not to like about cool mornings as the marine layer burns off to beautiful sunshine with 75 degree days? Perhaps every 10 days or so we get a spit of rain. All good. Tomorrow is the return of that weather. In fact we are stepping back a little with a cooler and wet weekend. I can live with it.

Sorry about our spacing of the update on Monday. Both of us were preoccupied by the flight home the following day.

Enjoy and thanks for coming by.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What?? No Football??

I feel a little lost without the World Cup to watch...

The new (domestic) football season doesn't start for a few weeks yet - though the women's league is a summer league so I do have the odd game to follow - not many because, as usual, women's sport is poorly served by TV broadcasters.

Still, the Commonwealth Games starts this week, that'll keep me occupied...

Enjoy your updates - there's plenty to read. See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Fun on the Allotment

Cracking World Cup final, wasn't it? Great game. And the best team won. Congratulations to Germany, you deserved the win.

The weather's been pretty good here - so good in fact that people are now complaining that it's too hot, too humid, and we need a bit of rain as their gardens are too dry.

What would we Brits do if we couldn't complain about the weather...

Spent most of the weekend (when not watching sport) working on the allotment - the weeds have had a growth spurt. The ground really is dry, and pretty hard to dig, so I wound up with blisters on my hands. Much to the amusement of the lads at work. The jokes were not fit for polite company - and rapidly became very, very boring.

Stripped the broad beans (it was time to finish picking them), there weren't that many plants really but we got masses from them - about fifteen kilos. Phenomenal. Sowed some rocket in the cleared space (it grows really quickly).

The humidity and heat means the cos lettuces are bolting before they're a decent size, so I've sown a few more in hopes they'll do ok. The lollo rosso seem to be doing all right though. And from the looks of it we're going to have a pretty good crop of potatoes. And the beetroot are doing well.

The peas, however... we had that spell of cold and very wet weather, earlier this spring, at precisely the wrong time for the peas. There is just one plant - and even that looks pretty sorry for itself. We might get two peas from it if we're lucky. And by that I mean two individual peas in one pod - not two pods.

Ah well. Peas are cheap enough to buy.


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Keep those thoughts positive!

Tomorrow is our last day in Oklahoma and it hit me that mom will be staying at my house for three weeks. Three weeks. Next year I may make her reservations. *sigh*


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Seattle Summer

Our average 75 is being blown away. The next 10 days should all be high 8o's to low 90's. That is crazy and not my cup of tea. Heatstroke is a serious issue with me and our temps are not helpful. The dog is circling right now, however it is the hottest point of the day and I need to have a break of that prior to walking the doggie. Here is hoping where ever you are it is pleasant. For some that may be my current weather, so come take it away.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, July 11, 2014

Yep, it's still hot here.

We've been doing a lot here in blazing hot Oklahoma. Yesterday we went to Lawton and saw my cousin. Today we took it easy and watched a movie with Nana Gayle who is recovering from knee replacement surgery. Tomorrow it's off to the Chickasaw National Recreation Area to swim.

I've been giving the kids a day between our road trips to veg and relax. Unfortunately we haven't been able to relax and swim at Nana Gayle's pool this year due to pump issues. My brother just moved into a new house that also has a pool. No swimming in it either because he's been trying to get it clean after the previous owners ignored it for a year (also the pump was broken). Maybe next year they'll both be in shape for swimming.

Not too much for you to read tonight. Have at it.


Thursday, July 10, 2014


Times like today I am thankful I did not go to OKC. Our 88 is plenty warm enough for me. We have had days in a row and the forecast is calling for more of the same for the next week or so. This is plenty of heat for me. In fact pushing it when I walk the doggie, so going to OKC which will be in the high 90's today seems not good for me.

Ze gave you all a ton to read the last couple of days enjoy them. I have a few more today but nothing like Ze's posts.

Good news for many as tomorrow is Friday. I know I am part of that...yay for TGIF.

I chat back at you on the weekend.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Bitter Oranges

I am knackered. Too tired to even think - let alone ramble.

Yet another late kick-off, then extra-time, followed by a penalty shoot-out. I hate penalty shoot-outs.

And that's the Dutch out of the running... now they have to play Brazil it what must be the most painful, disheartening, pointless game... the third place play-off.

It's going to be a difficult final to watch on Sunday. Germany v Argentina. Traditionally English football fans hate the German team. Not the individual players you understand. Or the German people. Just the football team. But we also hate the Argentinian football team - we have never forgiven them for the "hand of God", deliberate, blatant cheating.

It's going to be even more difficult for Brazilian fans. I can't imagine a bigger football nightmare for them than having your worst rivals win the cup in your country, in your best stadium. If Argentina win it could turn a bit nasty...

I think I'll probably back Germany... lesser of two evils and all that... *g*

And I had Holland in the sweepstake at work, too... ah well.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Who Would Have Thought It

That the semi-final would turn out to be so one-sided.

Much as the romantics would have liked the idea of Brazil winning the World Cup on home soil, the realists knew they were unlikely to do so. Their performances so far have been adequate but not exactly awe inspiring.

Most people expected a 2-1 or 3-2 Germany win. With a tough contest, a result ground out rather than flair and skill on show. A lot of the paid pundits even considered a Brazil win as possible.

What we got was a stunning display of German teamwork, skill, and efficiency over a disgracefully poor, pathetic Brazilian surrender.

And a totally unheard of scoreline for a World Cup semi-final.



Monday, July 07, 2014

Hot in Oklahoma

Took the kids to Jenks, Oklahoma today to visit the Oklahoma Aquarium. It's grown since the last time I was there with the boys. If you're ever near Tulsa, OK give it a visit.

That trip took up most of our day but I knew it would. Tonight we'll meet my brother for dinner at Abel's. Then home to relax before our annual picture day tomorrow.

Y'all enjoy the updates. Plenty from Ze tomorrow I'm sure.


Sunday, July 06, 2014

A Beautiful Day

I think summer is officially here in Seattle. Mid 70's with actual sunshine. The spit rain was early this morning and no where to be found now. Let summer run. Here is hoping your weekend was splendid. I need to do a few Sunday chores and than make some dinner for myself and perhaps feed the animals as well.

Have a great Monday and enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, July 05, 2014


We've only been in Oklahoma three days and I'm already pooped but the kids are having a blast. Why am I pooped? Probably because I've chosen to sleep on a blow up mattress in a room that's also occupied by my two sons. They both like to stay up into the wee hours and watch videos and laugh. I know we have things to do the next day and have to keep telling them to go to sleep. I think I'll sleep like the dead when I finally make it back to Shoreline.

Last night we had our annual fireworks extravaganza at Wild Horse Park in Mustang, Oklahoma. I do believe Emory has never experienced anything like it. The weather has cooperated and our hours outside yesterday weren't marred by oven-like temps.

Tomorrow I'm taking all three kids and my young cousin to White Water. When we lived in Oklahoma we always bought a season pass and visited the water park at least once a week. I think Emory is going to like this place too. I'll swim but may spend some of the day just relaxing and reading in one of their lounge chairs.


Friday, July 04, 2014

A Quiet Holiday

The house is feeling empty with just me and the animals as the family is all down in OKC, having fun I am sure. If you are in the US Happy 4th to you. If not, TGIF for the rest of you. May the weekend give some Joy to all.

Enjoy your updates, I'll be back tomorrow.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, July 03, 2014

Not a Mountain in Sight

The kids and I made it to Oklahoma City safe and sound and with no fuss. I was worried because my experience with Frontier Airlines ticket purchasing and their web site and their obnoxious pay for every little thing system had me thinking we could be in for a frustrating flight. Not so. Everything went smoothly.

Duncan flew Southwest Airlines because we bought his ticket well after we'd made our reservations. He initially told me he didn't want to make the trip this year but the closer we got to it the more he regretted the decision. I could have gotten him on the same Frontier flights as ours but after dealing with their price structure I decided this was the last time I would spend money with them. Southwest's price was only about $20-$30 more and you don't pay for checked luggage or carry on bags. He ended up flying on the same day, arriving at the Oklahoma City airport about an hour after we did.

So far all we've really done is prepare for the 4th of July. Usually we wait to buy our buttload of fireworks on the 4th. I finally wised up and we purchased them today. The kids will have plenty to blow up tomorrow. Send good vibes our way that everyone keeps fingers and toes and we're all able to dodge the fireworks being set off around us by folks who might not be as safe.


Wednesday, July 02, 2014

New Hub

Yay!! Working wi-fi (hugs new super-hub).

So there's masses for you to read tonight. I doubt I caught everything but I caught as much as I could.

Been watching the news - the increasing tensions in Israel/Palestine (hell - when aren't they increasing) and all I can think of is the quote from (I believe) Mahatma Ghandi - "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind".

Not got much else to say. So I'll let you get on with reading.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Wi-fi Still Misbehaving.

Happy Canada Day to our Canadian readers.

Great game USA/Belgium. Well played USA - I liked the way you never gave up (unlike our over-paid shower). Shame there had to be a loser.

There's a bit for you tonight - but not as much as I wanted to update. Tomorrow we get a new "Super Hub" so my intermittent wi-fi problem will be sorted. So I should be able to post loads more links for you.

It's weird. There is no rhyme or reason to it. I can be happily surfing/posting/commenting for a couple of hours then bang - suddenly it's gone. Or I can get a whole ten minutes before it vanishes for hours. Or I boot up but can't get a signal at all for ages - then it'll suddenly connect for 30 minutes before disappearing again. I could understand if it packed up and stayed packed up but this maybe-I'll-work-maybe-I-won't... is just daft.

I've been checking the local animal rescue shelters to see if I can find a playmate for Snow, because ferrets are social animals. No luck so far in my county. There's a neutered male in the next county but it's a bit far to travel on spec. I'll keep checking.
