Monday, October 14, 2013

Driving, Driving, Driving

Today is the day I drive to Bellevue to swap the kids with Mike. This trip required a side jaunt to a Gamestop in Redmond because, genius that I am, I pre-ordered the new Pokemon Y for myself there. I know that when you pre-order a game at a Gamestop you have to pick the darn thing up at the same Gamestop where you pre-ordered it. That's why I usually do that at our nearby Gamestop in Northgate Mall. I had a huge brain fart that day and totally spaced it. Hence, when the game came out I picked Cal's up at Northgate and ended up getting mine in Redmond. Oh well, it was close to Mike's house. At least I didn't pre-order it while I was in Oklahoma.

So two hours later I'm back in Shoreline doing the update. After this I will enjoy my dinner and watch some tv. No kids means a quiet week for us.


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