Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Quick Visit

It's half-term this week, but what with the weather, the state of the site, and the general to-ing & fro-ing, young Barbara hasn't been allowed over. I did drop in for to see her and her mother on the way home this evening, though. She was pleased to see me. Her mother made me a cup of coffee but unfortunately she made mine the same way she makes hers, completely forgetting I don't take sugar. Yuk. How the hell do people manage to drink coffee like that. It's awful!! (Fortunately she drinks hers black too, so I didn't have to suffer milk!!)

I drank it (or at least most of it) - I was brought up properly - to drink or eat what I'm given and not be rude. Though I have to admit that I don't see what's so virtuous about suffering through something you hate rather than saying, "Oops, I'm sorry, but...". After all, I wouldn't eat a ham sandwich if she made one, so why did I drink the coffee?? Lord knows... I guess I'm just weird or something. *g*

Barbara's mother mentioned that she'd had to have a little chat with Barbara's form mistress (class/year/grade teacher). She had set the usual task to write a story about "what I did in the summer holidays", and it must be "what you really did". Barbara wrote about being an apprentice plumber's mate. And about painting and decorating, and tiling, and carpentering. The teacher didn't believe her. She sent a note to Barbara's mother to discuss "her rather too vivid imagination and failure to understand the nature of the task". Boy, was the teacher stunned when told that not only was Barbara telling the total truth, but the discussion came complete with the evidence - the certificates, photos, and souvenirs. So Barbara got an "A*" for her work.

Barbara's story said that she likes plumbing, and carpentry, but when she grows up she wants to be a painter, just like her friend the building lady. Aww. Got me all choked up, she did. Kid knows how to worm her way into your heart, that's for sure.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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