Tuesday, September 24, 2013

RIP Puddy-Cat

I'm on the mend. The swelling has gone down, the scrapes are healing over, the bruises have faded to a dull yellow and will probably be completely gone in another week. People have stopped looking at me in shock and asking, "Oh my God, what happened to you??" And it doesn't hurt. All of which is pretty good.

The dried superglue in my eyebrow is driving me to drink though!! It's irritating but of you try to remove it it pulls the hairs out. Not fun.

We are currently animal-less. The last of my cousin's cats had to be put to sleep on Friday. She had a massive stroke which left her paralysed. The vet said she wouldn't recover. So we did the kindest (and hardest) thing. She was 19 which is a very good age. My cousin was devastated of course. She's lost all her cats over this past year. All four of them. They were all of a similar age so it's not surprising really. She swears she'll never have another because it's too upsetting when they go. I've been offering as much comfort as I can. Telling her they had a good life (they did - spoilt rotten they were), and reminding her of the happiness they brought her. It takes time but the grief will pass.

With no elderly cats to upset I can start thinking of getting another dog. Not just yet of course, my cousin needs to grieve properly. But sometime soon. I loved her cats and I'm almost as upset as she is, but I've missed having a dog since my boys went.



E said...

I am so sorry Aries. My heart completely understands. I have lost two kitties this year and sadly I have a third that is sick and we are not sure why (yet). Hopefully catch and solve whatever the issue is before I have to put her down.

Anonymous said...

Thank you E. I'm sorry to hear that your remaining kitty is sick, I do hope you can find out what is wrong and that you don't have to put her to sleep.

Hugs to you both