Thursday, July 04, 2013

Another Holiday

This one I am spending alone. Daughter over at her other moms place and T and the boys are in Oklahoma. Hence I have the opportunity to clean out the shed. In particular this is the year I am loading all my CD's into MP3's. Tamara has comic books and I have CD's. Twenty two paper boxes of them. Time to join today's reality, MP3's here we come. This is taking forever, but in the end should be worth it. Allows me to get to my music much easier and that is always a good thing. Only 12 more paper boxes to go. (an all summer project obviously)

If you are in the USA Happy 4th of July, but please be careful out there and remember little kids and most animals may not enjoy all those fireworks as much as you might. For everyone else have a great night.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


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