Monday, July 15, 2013

Announcement Night

Take it away, Claudia.
It's mid-summer, the fireworks have burst, conventions are over and you've
just read your last book on your reading list. Now you're hankerin' for
something else to read. Maybe a space-opera type book? Well, do I have great
news for you! Andi Marquette's third book of the Far Seek Chronicles, Edge
of Rebellion, is now out in e-book and paperback . Here's an excerpt by Salem
West from Rainbow Review :

"Andi Marquette offers up another satisfying slice of her space opera, Far
Seek Chronicles, and The Edge of Rebellion unabashedly makes me feel like a
kid again. It tells a compelling and exciting story of intrigue with solid
characters, smart dialogue, best buddies, sexy women, and zooming space
ships that whiz by shooting lasers that go “Pew! Pew! Pew!”

How can you go wrong with a review like that? Here's the story:

Commander Kai Tinsdale knows something’s afoot when she receives
orders to post to the military base Koto on the virtually impassable jungle planet
Hanzey. Rumors of rebellion against the Coalition are spreading across the
quadrants, and the threat of war makes Kai all the more suspicious about her
assignment. What does Major Tinniset Vic, the ranking officer at Koto, want
with Kai? How might the decade-old destruction of a Hanzien city pertain to
Kai's new posting?

The only person she trusts, former Academy bunkmate turned trader Torri
Rendego, is running merchant routes in other quadrants and may be facing her
own problems in the growing rebellion. So Kai must play the hand she's dealt
in a high-stakes game of intrigue and revenge where Major Vic holds all the
cards and where a gamble could unleash a war all its own on Hanzey.

For more information and places to buy a book that has lasers going "pew! pew! pew!":

Check out our Newsletter for more happenings at Bedazzled Ink Publishing. Join the mailing list so you don't miss anything!

Claudia Wilde

Splendid...something to check out, folks. Enjoy.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


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