Friday, July 19, 2013

A New Day

I spent some time on the phone with different agencies and such, we got our rental car...a snappy new Traverse. Nice car, outside of our range, and not quite big enough for permanent evaluation. After that the fun vacation started.

Today was MOHAI day. The museum moved (in December) and the new place is spectacular. Very much recommended if you are visiting Seattle.

Tomorrow we will head out to see Despicable Me 2 with an over all slow day. Sunday more fun awaits.

Peace, Health and Happiness.



Anonymous said...

You will enjoy Despicable Me. Ze & I went to see it a week ago and, although it's not Ze's usual thing, (it was my choice of movie), as it's not her type of humour, she laughed out loud at several points. She particularly like the fire-fighters, and the ending songs.


E said...

We loved and laughed out loud for sure! Thanks, E