Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Blimey. Nearly August already. Where did the year go.

First things first. - It's Lughnassad (north) and Imbolc (south) we wish all our Wiccan and Pagan readers a blessed feast. It's also Lammas - a good festival to our Christian readers.

Other than that - I'm really sorry to disappoint all little Barbara's fans but, although everything was set up and ready to go, she didn't make it today. She's poorly. Her mother phoned me first thing this morning to tell me that Barbara had an upset stomach and had been sick, and she was going to the doctor as soon as she could. Then she phoned this afternoon to say that the Doc said Barbara had picked up a stomach bug and so she's in bed for the day.

The plumber was really disappointed too.

I popped over after work and took her some colouring books and a set of pencils, and a Lemony Snicket book. She was very upset that she couldn't come to work. We fixed up another day for her to come over - as long as she's feeling better she'll be over next Tuesday. That cheered her up a treat.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, July 30, 2013


It rained. It rained quite a bit this past week. Lord knows, we needed some rain. We've had ten weeks of scorching sunshine here in the south-west of Britain. The grass is as dry as a bone. England's "green and pleasant land" was turning into England's brown and ugly landscape.

Little Barbara comes to the site tomorrow to learn to be a plumber's mate so I'll have a ramble for you.

Tonight, though?? Not really.

I could do a political rant - but I really don't have the energy.

I could do a grammar rant. (There is more than one past tense - they are not interchangeable!! What do fanfic writers have against the past perfect tense - why are they so reluctant to use it?? ). Nah. Said it before, don't want to keep saying it - it gets boring.

I could grumble about US English, why does it hate irregular verbs so much?? Irregular verbs are lovely. **hugs knelt, spelt, dreamt, learnt, leant** there, there, babies, don't cry, we still love you. Nah, that gets boring, too.

I could grumble about the UK custom of ignoring the Oxford comma. I've read so much US writing that I've grown accustomed to US usage, and UK usage looks weird to me now - not to mention the unintended humour the lack of that final comma can sometimes produce. (We don't tend to use the "m" dash either - but I still follow British custom there so I only notice its presence not its absence.)

And what does US English have against the hyphen?? Hyphens are important. They assist clarity. No one is not the same as no-one. "No one apple is like another" as opposed to "there was no-one in the room". US English seems to have abandoned them altogether - even in numbers. But I've done that one before, too. Boring.

I can't think of a thing to say tonight that isn't boring. Anyone out there got a ramble?? We'd love to hear from you.


Monday, July 29, 2013

Shopping Completed

A car/suv has been found and purchased and now I remember why I hate doing that. They always suck you into that finance office. In general I think we did well though. I did some research and we ended up getting a Hyundai Santa Fe. We got a bigger engine one with roof racks and lots of other bells and whistles. Best of all it was still under Clearbook and Kelly Blue book values, so I think we did well.

One way or another Tamara now has a vehicle that is nice and large enough for our family and yet smaller than the van. All good.

Now back to your updates, enjoy 'em.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, July 28, 2013


Mom is heading back to OKC today. The boys are at their dad's. We won't see little e until Wednesday. It's weird having the house just to ourselves after being full to the brim.

The next couple of days will be the perfect time to put my comics in the database. Then I can get those short boxes out of our bedroom and into storage. E will be so happy when my side of the bedroom is a little less crowded.


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Weekend Update

We strolled around Edmonds this afternoon and later on Tamara and I went and did some more test driving of vehicles. I think we have narrowed our search down to a Hyundi Santa Fe Sport. But who knows? Next week we will put a bit more energy into it as well.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, July 26, 2013


Good news! You have a decent amount to read tonight.


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Back to Work

Vacation is over. But hey tomorrow is Friday, so that counts for something. Here is hoping your week is going well. Have a great evening and enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Carpenter's Mate

We still have the heat here - the thunderstorms the rest of the country has had completely bypassed us. We've had almost 3 months of hot weather - the ground is so dry it's dust. But a nice dry day was perfect for little Barbara to come out to play.

It took a little longer to get all the permissions - different site, different rules - but we did it. And then the plumber had an idea and so we went through the process again - but much quicker this time. More on that later.

Barbara's mother managed to find a pair of kiddie-sized khaki trousers with lots of little pockets and a loop that looked as close to carpenters' trousers as was humanly possible. Barbara wore those, and her toy, plastic, safety-hat, and some boots that resembled work boots. And then she and her mother caught the buses to the site, arriving mid-morning, where I met them at the cabin, with the carpenter. Introductions all round, and then Barbara was left to our tender mercies while her mother caught a bus into town to go shopping. (One of those femme-type shopping trips, the sort where you try on scores of outfits in dozens of shops and buy none, The kind of shopping trip where I would rather go to the dentist than go anywhere near a shop.)

I'd managed to find a "junior carpenter kit" that contained a retractable tape measure - plastic though, not steel, so no sharp edges - and a flat pencil, and a 15cm/6 inch rule, and a measuring square. I gave Barbara these, plus a smallish Philips screwdriver. I'd even found a hammer small enough for her to use. OK the handle was pink - pink!! - but you can't have everything. Barbara liked it anyway. And the carpenter gave her a small canvas holdall that looked like the larger one she carries her tools in. Barbara was chuffed to little mint-balls.

That done, off we went.

The carpenter was fixing skirting boards. She showed Barbara how to measure for them, and how to make a mitre cut for the joint, and how to use a mitre block. She let Barbara measure the mitre on several pieces. Barbara turned out to very good at it. She concentrates and likes to get things just so. The carpenter sawed the pieces - we didn't think it would be appropriate for Barbara to do that. Then I showed her how to seal the knots with knotting solution. Then we stopped for lunch while the knotting dried.

I had a surprise for Barbara.

She loves my lunch-tin. I bought it almost 10 years ago in San Francisco. I couldn't get her one like it here, and anyway it's metal, not a good choice for a kid. But I did manage to get a couple of large plastic stickers with Rosie on. So I bought a red plastic lunch box and stuck the stickers on the sides. Barbara was absolutely overjoyed. She immediately emptied the little tupperware container with her lunch in and put everything in the tin.

And then she hugged me!!

I do not do hugs. I immediately did my usual rigid-fence-post impression. (After all, when it's a little girl hugging you you can't exactly belt her into the middle of next week, can you??) She didn't seem to care and hugged me again. The carpenter was howling with laughter - either at my posture or the look on my face, not sure which.

After lunch - which Barbara managed to eat despite talking non-stop for 25 minutes. Asking question after question about carpentry. We went back to work. Barbara learnt how to place the shirting, how to set the nails, how to hammer them in just right, so they don't bend, and how to set the joins right. She was a little over-enthusiastic with the hammer but no damage was done so all was well.

At around three o'clock her mother came to collect her. We presented her with her framed "Qualified Trainee Carpenter's Mate" certificate. She hugged the carpenter - who's comfortable with hugs and hugged her back.

And then the plumber came over to tell her about her other surprise.

I had asked Barbara's mother if Barbara would like to come to the site again, or if she'd be bored. She said that Barbara loved it and would be on-site with her building lady every day if she could. It had taken a lot of phone calls, a hurried meeting between me, Barbara's mother, and the plumber, so that she could see what kind of bloke he was. And a lot of pleading with the Heath & Safety Executive rep. But we'd done it. Permission granted.

The plumber has some plastic push-fit piping, rather than copper, to put in, and it would be ideal - no tools. So we asked Barbara if she'd like to come back next week and learn about plumbing.

She hugged me again!!

The she hugged the carpenter, and the plumber (who blushed so much I was worried he'd pass out from too much blood to the brain), and her mother, and then me again. I figured that meant yes.

So Barbara is coming back next Wednesday to be a trainee plumber's mate.

Now - if I can just get her to stop hugging me - especially without warning - we'll be perfect.

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Panic Over

I thought I wasn't going to be able to update tonight. I was half-way through checking my sites when the internet went down.

I spoke many rude words and re-set the modem. Still nothing. Uh-oh.

Checked the TV - no service. Even bigger uh-oh. Checked land-line phone. Nothing. Damn it. Cable's down.

Many more rude words.

Checked with next door - yep, theirs was down, too. Whole street was down. So I rang the cable company on my mobile. Spoke to a friendly chap called Raj. With an accent that told me he was definitely not in the UK. He did his best to help. He tried phoning the engineering department - several times without success. Eventually he said he'd emailed the engineer section and he'd booked someone for tomorrow and he was very sorry but he didn't think they'd be out until Wednesday tea-time.

Wednesday!! Oh boy - panic stations!! I sent a text to E to warn her I couldn't update. And - as a true Brit always does in any panic situation - I went into the kitchen to put the kettle on for a cuppa.

I was still in the kitchen (which faces the street) twenty minutes later, looking out of the window, when a van from the cable company pulled up and a bloke carrying a tool-box and looking very much like an engineer got out.

At least three of my neighbours rushed out to speak to him. Quite sad really how dependent we are on our electronic entertainment. I decided I didn't want to look that desperate so I stayed in the kitchen and watched. He opened the junction box, looked at it, shook his head, grabbed a small connector from his tool-kit, swapped it for one inside the junction box, locked it up again and left.

Four minutes - tops.

But we were back!!

Panic over.

So you get your updates.

And tomorrow Barbara comes over to play.


Monday, July 22, 2013


Tonight I'm pooped. I haven't been sleeping really great and we've been on the go quite a bit while mom's here. I'm looking forward to some time just hanging out in the living room and filing away a couple of short boxes full of comics.

Not as much for you to read tonight. Good thing the last couple of days have been healthy updates. Time to catch up!


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Vacation Continues

Today we enjoyed the Fremont Walking Tour. I learned a lot about a nifty area of the city. If you enjoy Art and Fun, we recommend this one.

Another day of lots to ready, enjoy.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, July 20, 2013


More good stuff to read from Bedazzled Ink....
Finished with Andi Marquette's space opera, Edge of Rebellion? Well, we have another spec-fic tale for you.

Benny Lawrence, author of the intriguing The Ghost and the Machine, brings us a completely different story about gay pirates roaming the high seas in Shell Game, our latest Mindancer Press book. The plot twists and turns as often as the wind catches the sails of a pirate's fleet, in prose that is a quirky and capricious as that wind.

Life in a remote fishing village in the middle of a civil war is neither safe nor inspiring. So, when an opportunity comes along for village girl Lynn to be kidnapped and enslaved by a ruthless pirate queen, she takes full advantage of it. But Darren is neither as ruthless nor as piratical as she appears at first glance--and Lynn's not exactly what she seems to be, either.

In between encounters with old girlfriends, a slow death involving marmalade, and bounty hunters with no sense of humour, Lynn and her new mistress attempt to work out exactly what they are to each other--and who's in charge.

Check it out:

Sign-up for our newsletter:

You've got a lot to read tonight thanks to the International Day of Femslash.


Friday, July 19, 2013

A New Day

I spent some time on the phone with different agencies and such, we got our rental car...a snappy new Traverse. Nice car, outside of our range, and not quite big enough for permanent evaluation. After that the fun vacation started.

Today was MOHAI day. The museum moved (in December) and the new place is spectacular. Very much recommended if you are visiting Seattle.

Tomorrow we will head out to see Despicable Me 2 with an over all slow day. Sunday more fun awaits.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, July 18, 2013

I'm ready for 2013 not to be quite such a year of change....

I totaled the van today. Needless to say I'm not real happy. Y'all enjoy the updates.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Still Hot.

Not a lot to say tonight. Feeling drained. I think the heat is getting to me. It's been about 6 weeks since it rained, and the temperatures have been around the 28-30c range for about a week. News and weather bulletins are full of talk about an official heatwave, and things to do to make sure you don't succumb to heatstroke.

We are not used to this in Britain.

I'll have more for you this time next week though. The schools break up for the summer this Friday. Next Wednesday little Barbara will be an apprentice carpenter's mate.

She's looking forward to it. The carpenter is looking forward to it. Two of the brickies (who've met her before) are looking forward to it. And one of the plumbers (who's not met her yet) is looking forward to it - and trying to work out if there's anything that's easy enough, and safe enough, in the plumbing area that she can have a go at.

Should be a good day.

Enjoy your updates. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

IDF 2013

This coming weekend is International Day of Femslash 2013 and, as usual, there will be an online Femslash Con.

The Xena panel should be good - Linda Crist is one of the panellists. If you're a Xena fan and you haven't read her Between the Lines series, well, what are you waiting for?? Go and read them!! You don't know what you've been missing.


Monday, July 15, 2013

Announcement Night

Take it away, Claudia.
It's mid-summer, the fireworks have burst, conventions are over and you've
just read your last book on your reading list. Now you're hankerin' for
something else to read. Maybe a space-opera type book? Well, do I have great
news for you! Andi Marquette's third book of the Far Seek Chronicles, Edge
of Rebellion, is now out in e-book and paperback . Here's an excerpt by Salem
West from Rainbow Review :

"Andi Marquette offers up another satisfying slice of her space opera, Far
Seek Chronicles, and The Edge of Rebellion unabashedly makes me feel like a
kid again. It tells a compelling and exciting story of intrigue with solid
characters, smart dialogue, best buddies, sexy women, and zooming space
ships that whiz by shooting lasers that go “Pew! Pew! Pew!”

How can you go wrong with a review like that? Here's the story:

Commander Kai Tinsdale knows something’s afoot when she receives
orders to post to the military base Koto on the virtually impassable jungle planet
Hanzey. Rumors of rebellion against the Coalition are spreading across the
quadrants, and the threat of war makes Kai all the more suspicious about her
assignment. What does Major Tinniset Vic, the ranking officer at Koto, want
with Kai? How might the decade-old destruction of a Hanzien city pertain to
Kai's new posting?

The only person she trusts, former Academy bunkmate turned trader Torri
Rendego, is running merchant routes in other quadrants and may be facing her
own problems in the growing rebellion. So Kai must play the hand she's dealt
in a high-stakes game of intrigue and revenge where Major Vic holds all the
cards and where a gamble could unleash a war all its own on Hanzey.

For more information and places to buy a book that has lasers going "pew! pew! pew!":

Check out our Newsletter for more happenings at Bedazzled Ink Publishing. Join the mailing list so you don't miss anything!

Claudia Wilde

Splendid...something to check out, folks. Enjoy.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sleepy Sunday

Slow day for us but that's what a Sunday should be. Mom and the boys arrive on Tuesday. Tomorrow my plans include a little mopping and vacuuming.

Enjoy the updates!


Saturday, July 13, 2013


Today we took my daughter and her friend to Mud-a-palooza. They had a very good time and the sun was out in full force to keep them warm. These farms are interesting to me how they create more revenue for themselves beyond what they grow. They obviously do corn, fresh flowers and squash (most likely pumpkins). However, they had a very good turnout to Mud-a-palooza as well. The two girls had a very good time. I thought Calvin would have easily enjoyed himself as well, but he's still in Oklahoma with extended family...maybe next time.

Reminder send us your words, always good to hear from others.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, July 12, 2013

Are You Out There?

Come ramble for us. We can use the words. Someone else's that is. Ours get old. Are you not tired of my usual, another nice summer day in my city? Had to work today, but it's Friday so that's good. There you have it. How about we hear from y'all?

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Long Way to Go

The demise of DOMA means E and I will get a whole slew of Federally guaranteed benefits. For example, no longer will she have to pay extra taxes just to have me and the boys on her health insurance.

Now the real fight begins here in the US. Only 12 states and the District of Columbia give same sex couples the right to marry. Six more states offer civil union protections to same sex couples but their rights won't be affected by this ruling. Separate but equal isn't looking so equal now.

The answer for gay folks in these states shouldn't be to move. And thankfully there are folks who aren't moving and are fightingfor their rights in their home states. Suits are being brought and peaceful protests are happening.

If you live in a state where you can marry, please think about donating to some of these efforts. Here's one you can start with: Right now they're in the midst of their WE DO campaign. They could use some funds to help with the expenses. Donate today. I did.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

On Betas

Sunday is Bastille Day. Hope all our French readers have a good celebration.

It's still hot. I'm still wilting. It's still great.

Short ramble from Joan tonight -

    Hi! It's me, Joan. I can see you rolling your eyes -- is she going to ramble about betas again?

    Actually, I am. But I have a specific point in view.

    I was recently asked to beta a novel, and am currently in the process. I'm also noticing that I am kind of stressed about it. Now why would that be? I mean, I can't help thinking 'Brilliant' or 'OMG' when I read something, anyway. Making a short note of that cannot be that hard, can it?

    I think it's that I somehow commit to helping the authoress along. My comments leave the sphere of just my opinion and affect the labours of another human being.

    A lot of you are, or have at some point been, betas as well. I'd like to know how it affected you. We might even have a lively discussion.

    I feel quite certain that our triumvirate would welcome that. I would.

    There, short enough. Send in your rambles!


Thanks Joan. And yeah - rambles folks. Please. We like to hear from you.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Too Darn Hot

First - Ramadan has begun, we wish all our Muslim readers a blessed festival.

Summer arrived. And this year we seem to be actually having a summer. The sun has been shining for the past 3 to 4 weeks. It's been 27 to 29 degrees most days. The ground is as dry as a bone.

Oh - I'm not complaining, not after last year when it rained for months on end, highest annual rainfall in over a century, and we seemed to be on flood alert almost every day. No, this year we've had no rain. (Though Wimbledon did get a little - well it wouldn't be Wimbledon without some rain).

I'm loving the sunshine - I could just do with temperatures a couple of degrees lower - and some overnight rain for the gardens. You haven't lived until you've watered an allotment ten square rods in size, by way of a five litre watering can, when the tap is at the other end of the allotment area, thirty allotments away!!

And speaking of Wimbledon...


Finally!! A British Gentlemen's Singles Champion. Our first for seventy-seven years.


Monday, July 08, 2013

Splendid Monday

I took the day off work and instead worked a bit on the house with Tamara. We cleaned off the roof and all the paths leading to it. That took a while as all the build up of dried leaves and stuff had to be swept up and and put into yard waste bags (once we filled our yard waste bin up). We made a trip to Lowe's to get those bags. Came home, had some lunch and than I dragged myself back outside to do some yard work. I cut back some bushes, used my spiffy dandelion kill tool and then mowed the lawn. Now I'm tired and sore. But I only have to go back to work so no big deal.

Here is hoping y'all are having a wonderful night and week.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, July 07, 2013


Not much to say tonight. You've got stories to read so that's not such a loss. Have at it!


Saturday, July 06, 2013

Comfortable Day

T is home. I sleep much better and last night was no exception. We had a nice easy day. She picked up her comics and then we went and watched The Heat with Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. It was fun. Now a nice calm evening at home.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, July 05, 2013

Home Again

I'm back in Shoreline and pooped. My day of travel was certainly easier than my day of travel to Oklahoma but a week of sleeping on an inflatable mattress can wear a body down. Add to that the fact that I never seemed to get off Pacific Northwest time.

I managed to make it back just in time for Seattle's heatwave to subside and Oklahoma's to come back. Last week OKC's weather was actually cooler than Shoreline's.

I'm planning on hitting the hay early tonight and will enjoy the hell out of being in a real bed. Y'all enjoy the updates!


Thursday, July 04, 2013

Another Holiday

This one I am spending alone. Daughter over at her other moms place and T and the boys are in Oklahoma. Hence I have the opportunity to clean out the shed. In particular this is the year I am loading all my CD's into MP3's. Tamara has comic books and I have CD's. Twenty two paper boxes of them. Time to join today's reality, MP3's here we come. This is taking forever, but in the end should be worth it. Allows me to get to my music much easier and that is always a good thing. Only 12 more paper boxes to go. (an all summer project obviously)

If you are in the USA Happy 4th of July, but please be careful out there and remember little kids and most animals may not enjoy all those fireworks as much as you might. For everyone else have a great night.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Tea Anyone??

I am so tired I almost fell asleep trying to complete tonight's update. It's getting daft. Yeah, I need the work but I need a break too. I've told the site manager I'm not working this weekend. I don't care how much overtime I might get. We're ahead of schedule so I'm taking my weekend.

Besides - there's a really important rugby game on Saturday morning. The third - and decisive - test match between the Lions and Australia.

I checked the religious festivals calendar to see if there were any due this week. No, there weren't. But I had this nagging feeling that there was something I should be mentioning that I couldn't remember.

Then I noticed tomorrow's date.


It's the anniversary of that little ado. You know the one. Where a group of British subjects got upset about some taxes and demonstrated against them. (No, not the Poll Tax riots and chants of Maggie, Maggie, Maggie - Out, Out, Out.) You know the one. Where a whole bunch of tea took a swim. And then a minor unrest turned into a civil war and at the end of it we got rid of a bunch of troublesome colonials.

Or if you want to look at it from the perspective of the other side...

A group of colonists rose up against an oppressive government, fought a war to gain their independence, soundly defeated the forces of the aforementioned government, and founded a new country.

So... Happy Rebels' Day to all our US American readers. Have a great day. Be careful with the fireworks. (And remember your pets get scared so be kind to them). Enjoy your celebrations.

Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, July 02, 2013

True Heroes

Don't call football players heroes. Don't call cricketers heroes. Don't call rugby players heroes. That tennis player is not a hero for coming from two sets down to win the match.

They are highly paid sports stars. They played well. They may have excelled at their sport. They may have taken that final wicket, scored that late goal, made that last-second try, that won the match. They may have made you jump for joy. Cheer. Celebrate a hard-won victory.

But they are not heroes.

Nineteen firefighters died in Arizona this weekend.

They are heroes.

They and the men and women, some paid regulars, some volunteers, who battle in countries throughout the world, to save the lives and property of others. The ones who put their lives in danger for the rest of us. The firefighters, police officers, paramedics... they are the true heroes

Our thoughts are with the families of those who died.


Monday, July 01, 2013

Ramble Night

Guest ramble, take it away Joan!

Dear Mr Putin, come take a walk with me.

DOMA has been refuted. California has re-instituted the rights for gays to be married. Even in Germany, small steps are being taken towards equality between hetero and homo couples. In South Africa, in the Netherlands, in Portugal marriage is recognised regardless of what sex the partners are.

What a wonderful world! But is it?

Mr Putin just signed a law that states you are to be severely fined if you talk positively about homosexuality within the earshot of children. In St Petersburg, many people were arrested during a demonstration for gay rights -- admittedly both for and against, but it shows that the struggle is far from over.

And it doesn't stop with legal oppression, even though I think that homosexuality as a crime worthy of death penalty is abhorrent. Can you imagine that the entire first league of football (or soccer, depending on where you live) in Germany -- men's soccer, I should say, the women's league doesn't make an issue out of this -- is entirely hetero? Eighteen teams of twenty plus individuals?

But I must admit, I love this one. A publication, "Connected Hearts" (which I am proud to be a contributor to) was rated one stars out of five at Barnes&Noble with the comment "Thou shalt not lie with mankid, as withwomankind; it is a abomination." Well, dear commentator, you might learn to quote correctly, for one thing. And you might also look up Ruth, 1:16.


Yeah, the struggle will continue. But it is one worth fighting. Thanks for popping by Joan, totally appreciated.

Y'all have a great night and enjoy those updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.
