Wednesday, April 03, 2013

The Song of the Bird for Mirth

I can see I'm going to have problems with this new site. Two days I've worked there, and two days the five o'clock bus has not turned up, leaving me standing in the freezing wind for another 30 minutes waiting for the next one. Not happy.

Nice site though. Nice area. Seem a decent bunch. Some lads I've worked with before, some I haven't. Nobody's given me any grief so far, so I don't think there are any real tossers. They're pretty much the usual mixed bunch that you find on a site. Two other women working on site - which is brilliant. One's a brickie, one's a chippie, there's potential there if Barbara comes out to play.

It's a great place for bird watchers. (The feathered kind of bird). Loads of waders, waterfowl, hedgerow birds, cormorants, herons, egrets. And I could have sworn I saw a guillemot. I must have been mistaken (I was a bit far away) they're sea birds not estuary birds. Can't think what else it could have been, though, that size, shape, and colouring. I'll have to keep a look out and see if I can spot it again.

Have a good week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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