Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Reluctantly Springing Forward.

Our clocks went forward this past weekend. What with that, the extended weekend break because of Easter, and starting work on a new site today, I don't know whether I'm on my a*** or my elbow!! I don't know why we can't have GMT all year round. It was good enough for ages, right up until the First World War. We've repealed the bit of DoRA that restricted pub opening times, why can't we get rid of the bit that invented Summer time??

It didn't help that I remembered to put all the clocks forward - except my alarm (because I wasn't using it over the weekend). And my body-clock is still on GMT not yet on BST so I didn't wake up at the time I needed to. Getting to work turned into a chaotic rush rather than a leisurely stroll.

The new site is beautiful though, got some fantastic views across the estuary and over to the hills. (Views which we're going to wreck for some of the current residents of course, by building bloody great houses in the way). But I'm told we need new houses. I really don't see why we have to dig up the countryside to build them, though, aren't there enough plots already in town areas??

On my last day at the old site Barbara's mother asked me to call in on my way home, and have a cuppa and a hot-cross-bun. I did, not going to refuse a hot-cross-bun, am I?? Little Barbara had a birthday card for me, (birthday was Easter Saturday), that she'd made herself. She'd cut little pictures from a tool catalogue, (I expect one of the lads gave it to her as we've always got several lying around), and glued them to a piece of card. There were brushes, and a roller, and some paint tins, and a hard-hat, and a tape-measure. And inside it said "Happy Birthday to my friend the building lady".

Made me all choked up, that did.

I promised to keep in contact. And not to forget about her. And as soon as I've settled in the new site I'll see about getting permission for her to visit. Her mother says she's willing to make the trip.

She's a good kid.



Anonymous said...

Aww... let me add my own (belated)birthday wishes to young Barbara's.

Tamara said...

Well, damn. How did I miss any birthday reminders in my email? That's it. You're going in my phone calendar. Say happy belated to Aries too!

zero2aries said...

Thank you, Anonymous.

Thanks Tamara, I'll pass it on.