Wednesday, April 10, 2013

And the Rain is Back...

Tomorrow is the Hindu new year, Saturday is the Bengali new year, Sunday is the Sikh new year. We wish all our readers of these faiths and nationalities a very happy festival.

Last week was cold, (the wind was absolutely bitter), but glorious. The sun shone, and, if you were out of the wind, you could feel the heat of it. The sky was blue, the birds were singing. Even the robins stopped their fight-to-the-death routine and paired up. (Note to North American readers: the bird you know as the robin is not the same bird as the European robin. Our bird is smaller, redder, associated with winter not spring - though it's an all-year resident - and very anti-social towards other robins.) It really felt as though spring was on the way.

This week it's cold, grey and raining again. I know the UK is famed across Europe for its rain but this is getting ridiculous. Please can we have spring this year?? And summer?? Pretty please??

Struggled for updates again tonight. Seems as though nobody posts to websites or livejournal much these days. Folks, if you know of a good femslash archive, webpage, journal, notes scribbled on a fag packet, etc. that we don't cover (not Fanfic dot net, Adult FF, FictionPress, AO3, or any other load-it-yourself-with-no-quality-control--and-God-help-anybody-trying-to-check-for-new-postings site) please, please, please let us know about it.

Enjoy what there is. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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