Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Post-Christmas Bleh.

LiveJournal's back - sort of. It's loading very, very slowly. And not every page loads. But I managed to get at least some updates for you all.

If you click one of the links don't worry if it seems to take forever to load - it will eventually. And if you get a pale blue strip across the top of the page, with something in Russian written there - it's just LJ apologising, saying that pages might load slowly, an that they're working on the problem.

Maybe LJ's just having a post-Christmas, nor-ready-for-work, bleh moment.

I'm feeling that way myself. It's that Christmas is over feeling, kind of down, and I ate too much rich food, changed my sleep patterns, got used to doing different things. Now I have to go back to getting up early, catching the bus for work in the dark, getting back to eating healthily, etc. And I don't wanna!! I want it to still be Christmas. lol

Ah well - at least the tree is up for a few more days - comes down on 12th night. Then the room will look huge and empty again for a bit. And in a couple of weeks I'll be totally back to my usual routines and Christmas will be a dim memory.

Enjoy your updates. See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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